RBI Grade B 18 Dec 2011


In each question below are two/three statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the two/three given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
Give answer a: if only conclusion I follows.
Give answer b: if only conclusion II follows.
Give answer c: if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.
Give answer d: if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.
Give answer e: if both conclusion I and conclusion II follow.

Question 161

Statements :
Some colours are paints.
All colours are varnishes.
No varnish is dye.
Conclusions :
I. No paint is dye.
II. All paints being varnishes is a possibility.

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Question 162

Statements :
Some colours are paints.
All colours are varnishes.
No varnish is dye.
Conclusions :
I. Some varnishes are paints.
II. No dye is colour.

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Question 163

Statements :
All squares are triangles.
No triangle is circle.
All circles are rectangles.
Conclusions :
I. No rectangle is square.
II. All rectangles being square is a possibility.

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Question 164

Statements :
All squares are triangles.
No triangle is circle.
All circles are rectangles.
Conclusions :
I. No square is circle.
II. Atleast some circles are squares.

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Question 165

Statements :
No paper is book.
Some books are libraries.
Conclusions :
I. All libraries being books is a possibility.
II. No library is paper.

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Question 166

Statements :
All hills are mountains.
All mountains are rocks.
Conclusions :
I. All those rocks which are mountains are also hills.
II. All hills are rocks.

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Study the following information to answer the given questions:
Eight people viz. A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting in a straight line facing North. Each one of them has passed a recruitment exam and must join the office on different months viz. January,February, March, April, May, June, July and August but not necessarily in the same order.

• G sits third to the right of the person who joins in May. The person who joins in August sits second to the right of G. A and E are immediate neighbours of each other. Neither A nor E has joining dates either in May or August. Neither A nor E is an immediate neighbour of G.
• H sits third to the right of the person whose joining date is in January. Neither A nor E has joining dates in January. H's joining date is not in August.
• Only two people sit between E and the person whose joining date is in July. The person whose joining date is in February sits to the immediate left of D.
• Only one person sits between E and B. C joins on one of the months before July. E joins after April. G joins after A.

Question 167

On which of the following months does H join the office?

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Question 168

Who amongst the following sits exactly between E and B ?

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Question 169

'H' is related to 'July' in a certain way based on the above arrangement. 'B' is related to 'June' following the same pattern. "__ is related to 'May' following the same pattern.

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Question 170

Which of the following is true regarding D ?

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