TS SI 2018


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 31

A lent ₹5,000 to B for 2 years and ₹3,000 to C for 4 years on simple interest at the same rate of interest and received ₹ 2,200 in all from both of them as interest. The rate of interest per annum is :

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Question 32

Person A completes a work $$W_1$$ in 6 hours while person B completes another work $$W_2$$ in 6 hours. If $$W_1$$ is only equal to two-thirds of $$W_2$$ then the number of hours required for A and B together to complete both $$W_1$$ and $$W_2$$ is:

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Question 33

Five persons A, B, C, D andE start a joint venture. Their investments are as follows:
B and C invest equally; D invests half of C and double the investment of A; E invests twice thatof B. If E receives ₹ 24,00,000 as his share in the year-end profit, then the total profit (in rupees):

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Question 34

A right angled isosceles triangle has hypotenuse of 12 cms. Its area(in sq. cms) is:

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Question 35

If A gets 50% more salary than B, then B gets how much percentage less salary than A ?

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Question 36

By selling two items each for ₹ 990, g Merchant gets a protit of 10% on one and a loss of 10% on the other. The result to the merchant in this transaction is :

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Question 37

A Village which is recorded having population growth of 5% annually has population 18,522 at the end of the year 2013. The population of the village at the beginning of 2011 was :

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Question 38

Three cubes whose sides are in the ratio 3 : 4 : 5 were melted and a single cube, whose diagonal is $$24\sqrt3$$ cm was made. Then, the sides of the original cubes are; (in cms)

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Question 39

AB is a line parallel to the line PQ. If C and D are points on PQ such that the area of $$\triangle ABC$$ is ‘a’ square units, then the area (in sq. units) of $$\triangle ABD$$ is:

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Question 40

AB = 13 m is the diameter of a circle. A man moves from A ina straight line and meets the circumference of the circle at C. If AC = 5 m, then CB =

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