SBI PO 2007


Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words have been printed in ‘’bold’’ to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

For years now, Grorge W. Bush has told Americans that he would increase the number of troops in Iraq only if the commanders on the ground asked him to do so. It was not a throwaway line: Bush said it from the very first days of the war, when he and Pentagon boss Donald Rumsfeld were criticized for going to war with too few troops. He said it right up until last summer, stressing at a news conference in Chicago that Iraq commander General George Casey ‘’Will make the decisions as to how many troops we have there.’’ Seasoned military people suspected that the line was a dodge-that the civilians who ran Pentagon were testing their personal theory that war can be fought on the cheap and the brass simply knew better than to ask for more. In any case, the president repeated the mantra to dismiss any suggestion that the war was going badly. Who, after all, knew better than the generals on the ground?
Now, as the war near the end of its fourth year and the number of Americans killed has surpassed 3,000, Bush had dropped the general-know-best line. Sometime next week the President is expected to propose a surge in the number of U.S. forces in Iraq for a period of upto two years. A senior official said reinforcements numbering ‘’About 20,000 troops,’’ and may be more, could be in place within months. The ‘’surge’’ would be achieved by extending the stay of some forces already in Iraq and accelerating the deployment of others.

The ‘’irony’’ is that while the generals would have liked more troops in the past, they are ‘’cool’’ idea of sending more now. That’s in part because the politicians and commanders have had trouble agreeing on what the goal of a surge would be.But it is also because they are worried that a surge would further erode the readiness of U.S.’s already stressed ground forces. And even those who back a surge are under no ‘’illusions’’ about what it would mean to the casualty rate. ‘’If you put more American troops on the front line,’’ said a White House Official, ‘’You’re going to have more casualties.’’

Coming from Bush, a man known for bold strokes, the surge is a strange half-measure---too large for the political climate at home, too small to crush the ‘’insurgency’’ in Iraq and surely three years too late. Bush has waved off a bipartisan rescue mission out of pride, ‘’stubbornness" or ideology, or some combination of the three. Rather than reversing course, as well the wise elders of the Iraq Study Group advised, the Commander in Chief is betting that more troops will lead the way to what one White House official calls ‘’Victory’’.

Question 211

Which of the following most OPPOSITE in meaning of the word given in ‘’bold’’ as used in passage ?


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Question 212

Which of the following most OPPOSITE in meaning of the word given in ‘’bold’’ as used in passage ?


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Question 213

Which of the following is most nearly the SAME in the meaning as the word given in ‘’bold’’ as used in the passage ?


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Question 214

Which of the following is most nearly the SAME in the meaning as the word given in ‘’bold’’ as used in the passage ?


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Question 215

Which of the following is most nearly the SAME in the meaning as the word given in ‘’bold’’ as used in the passage ?


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In each question below, a sentence is given with a part of it printed in ‘’bold’’ type. That part may contain a grammatical error. Each sentence is followed by phrases (A), (B), (C)and (B). Find out which phrase should replace the phrase given in ‘’bold’’ to correct error, if there is any, and to make the sentence grammatically meaningful and correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘’No correction is required’, mark (E) as the answer.

Question 216

A nation that ‘’had been once tried to’’ kill him was the first to embrace him.

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Question 217

‘’Had he known more’’ about the policies of the company, he might not have accepted the offer.

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Question 218

His life is an example of ‘’how the human will can’’ flourish even in harsh conditions.

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Question 219

The social worker passionately stroked the annoyed passenger in order ‘’that be pacified.’’

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Question 220

They were no longer able to provide the ‘’help their children need.’’

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