SBI Clerk 28 May 2016


Study the following information carefully to answer these questions.
Eight friends— A, B, C, D E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle facing the center. A sits third to the left of B, while second to the right of F. D does not sit next to A or B. C and G always sit next to each other. H never sits next to D and C does not sit next to B.

Question 81

Which of the following pairs sits between H and E when counted from the right of E?

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Question 82

Starting from A's position, if all the eight were arranged in alphabetical order in clockwise direction the seating position of how many members (excluding A) not change ?

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Question 83

Which of the following pairs has only one person sitting between them, if the counting is done in clockwise direction ?

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Question 84

Who sits to the immediate right of E ?

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Question 85

What is the position of B with respect to C ?

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For the following questions answer them individually

Question 86

In a certain code language SERIES is written as QCGTGU. How is EXPERT written in that code language ?

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Question 87

How many such pairs of letters are there in the word COMPOSE each of which has many letters between them in the word as they have between them in the English alphabetical series ?

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Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below. 

In a certain code 'all Aspirants must qualify' is written as `na li ja pa', `qualify in all subjects' is written as `ta ja li ra'. `Aspirants read all subjects' is written as 'sa li na ra'.

Question 88

What does `li' stand for ?

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Question 89

Which word will be the coded as 'ja na' ?

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Question 90

What will be the code for 'qualify' ?

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