SBI Clerk 05 Jun 2016


In these questions, relationship between dif erent elements is shown in the statements. The statements are followed by conclusions. Study the conclusions based on the given statements and select the appropriate answer.Give answer
a: If both conclusions I and II are true
b: If only conclusion I is true
c: If neither conclusion I nor II is true
d: If only conclusion II is true
e: If either conclusion I or conclusion II is true

Question 81

Statement :
R= Q ≥ E ≤ S >T
Conclusions :
I. R > S
II. Q ≥ T

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Question 82

Statements :
C = O ≤ V=L ≤ R ; S ≥ R
Conclusions :
I. S > C
II. S = C

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Question 83

Statements :
E < N = C ≥ L > S
Conclusions :
I. L < E
II. S < N

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Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions. 

B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I are sitting around a circular table facing the centre but not necessarily in the same order.

• Only one person sits between D and E. B sits to the immediate right of E.
• Only three people sit between F and G.
• C sits to the immediate left of G.
• G is not an immediate neighbour of H.
• E sits second to the left of C.

Question 84

Who amongst the following sits to the immediate left of E?

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Question 85

What is the position of B with respect to G ?

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Question 86

Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the given arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group ?

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Question 87

If all the persons are made to sit in alphabetical order in anti­ clockwise direction, starting from B, the positions of how many, excluding B, would remain unchanged ?

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Question 88

Which amongst the following statements is true regarding I, as per the given arrangement ?

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For the following questions answer them individually

Question 89

If two is added to the first three digits and three is subtracted from the last three digits in the number 657489, how many digits in the number thus formed will be multiples of 3 ?

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Question 90

Among five friends J, K, L, M and N each having a different number of pencils. K has more pencils than N but less than L. M has more pencils than L. J neither has the most nor the least number of pencils. Who amongst the following has the lowest number of pencils ?

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