Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below :
In a certain code language, ‘paint your house red’ is written as `ri fm ew cu’
`gate of red colour’ is written as ‘lb ew op sa’
‘house of your choice’ is written as ‘sa cu ri nk’
`gate with red paint’ is written ‘gy op ew fm’
(All codes are two letter codes only)
If ‘colour with canvas’ is coded as ‘hv lb gy’ in the given code language, then what is
the code for ‘canvas of choice’?
Study,the following information carefully and answer the questions given below :
Each of the six buildings — E, F, G, H, I and J — has different number of floors. Only three buildings have more number of floors than J. G has more number of floors than I but less than E. I has more number of floors than J. F does not have the least number of floors. The building having least number of floors has 5 floors. The building having third highest number of floors has 26 floors. F has 14 floors less than the number of floors in I.
If the number of floors in building G is less than 38 and is an odd number which is Divisible by 3 but not 7, how many floors does G have ?
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below :
K is the brother of J. J has only one daughter. J is the mother of L. L is the sister of T. B is the father of T. T is married to R.