IBPS Clerk 11-Dec-2011 NZ 1st


In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case,
A merchant was (26) a morning stroll by the seaside when he saw a man squatting on the beach and filling a cup with sand. The merchant watched the man as he (27) the contents of the cup on a large pile of sand beside him and filled the cup again. He continued to repeat this activity. The merchant was curious and so went up to him and asked him what he was doing.
“I am Bidhata (meaning Fate),” said the man. “I am measuring the food each man is to (28) today.” “Can you really do that ?” asked the merchant. “I (29) you to withhold my midday meal today!” “As you wish,” replied Bidhata. The merchant (30) a fish from the fish market across the road, took it home and gave it to his wife. Then he went to his place of work. In the afternoon he came home and sat down to eat. His wife (31) the cooked fish before him. “Fate has it that I won’t get my midday meal,” (32) the man. “But now who can stop me from eating this delicious fish ?” And he(33) out laughing. His wife thought he was laughing at the way the fish had been (34) and she began to scold him. The merchant got angry. lie got up and stunned out of the house. It was only when he cooled down that he realised the (35) of what had happened Fate had succeeded in withholding his share of food tbr that afternoon.

Question 131
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Question 132
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Question 133
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Question 134
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Question 135
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Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words are printed in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions.

Amrutananda was a well-known and rich landlord in his village. He and his wife were both cunning and extremely sly. They made a lot of money by cheating and ill-treating their labourers who worked in their fields. One day, a young man named Manikya came to Amrutananda. ask ing for work. Amrutananda was picas. antly surprised. No one ever wanted to work for him because of his reputation and here was someone wallking right into his house! Manikya’s next few words made him even happier. Manikya said, ‘1 will work for you for free. You need not pay me a salary, only give me a place to sleep, two sets of clothes and two meals a day.’ Amrutananda was filled with joy when he heard this and was about to agree. when Manikva added, ‘I have only one condition: I will tell you the truth always, but one day of the year I will lie to you.’
Amrutananda, who lied happily every day of the year. agreed to this odd condition. So Manikya joined him. He was a wonderful worker – hard – working and trustworthy. He was very honest and soon became Arnruta-nan da’s right hand man. A year went by. and because of Manikya’s hard work. Amrutananda had an excellent harvest. He and his wife Mandakini, decided to have a big feast to celebrate. They invited all their relatives and friends, who came from across the village and outside to participate in this celebration. Everyone was looking forward to the delicious feast being planned. On the morning of the feast, Amrutananda decided he would also give away some gifts to his relatives, just so that he could show-off. So he set off for the market in his cart. As soon as he was out of sight. Manikya went running to his mistress. Mandakini. He wept loudly and heat his chest. Then he tell on the floor sobbing, and announced, The master is dead.’ The cart overturned on the road. Our master has been flattened like a Chapatti” As soon as Amrutananda’s wife and relatives heard this, they started wailing. Manikva rushed out, saying he would bring hack the body, while everyone started pre• paring for the last rites.
Manikya now went running to his master and said “Master! Your wile is dead. My kind, loving mistress is dead. A cobra bit her and she fell to the ground, as blue as the spring sky.- Amrutananda was stunned. His be loved Mandakini. his partner in all his schemes, was dead! He couldn’t believe it. He rushed back home shouting her name. Mandakini was weeping loudly, Sitting in the courtyard. When she saw her husband run in, she stopped mid — wail. and Amrutananda too, stood openmouthed and speechless. Then they fell into each other’s arms, unable to believe their eyes.
At once they turned to Manikya, “What is the meaning of this. Manikya his master demanded in a stern voice. Manikya smiled. “Remember my condition, that I would Ile only once in a year? Well, I choose today. You *see what lies can do? They nearly destroyed your life. Now think about what happens to the people you lie to everyday. Saying this he walked out, leaving behind a stunned and ashamed landlord.

Question 136

Why didn’t anyone want to work for Amrutananda ?

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Question 137

Why did Manikya volunteer to work for Amrutananda for free?

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Question 138

What was Manikya’s intention for lying to his master?
(A) He wanted to draw some attention to himself.
(B) He was jealous of his master.
(C) He wanted to cause trouble during the celebration.

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Question 139

What could be an appropriate moral to the story ?

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Question 140

Which of the following statements is false as inferred from the passage?

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