IBPS Clerk 27-Nov-2011 SZ 2nd


In the following passage there are blanks. each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each. five words are suggested. one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word
In each case. One rainy day While driving me home from school my father stopped to offer a frail old man a lift. Though he was headed in the opposite (1). my father insisted. By the time we (2) home it was late and 1 was tired and (3) with my father. That night, my father (4) me a bedtime story as usual — A (5) Em peror was once asked “Sire, while you (6) rich and powerful. your teacher doesn‘t even (7) a piece of land yet you visit him. (8) don’t you summon him to court ’9“ The Emperor (9) and said. “You are mistaken, my teacher is (10) than 1 am. My land can be lost in a war but he possesses knowledge which can never be stolen.“ “The old man was my teacher” my father coneluded. I have never forgotten the lesson my father ‘taught‘ me that day.

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