Which of the phrases (A), (B), (C), and (D) given below should replace the phrase given in ‘’bold’’ in the following sentence to make the sentence grammatically meaningful and correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and no correction required, mark (E) as the answer.
The newly-wed couple was shocked when it was observed that many people who ‘’had been invited’’, missing.
Though people ‘’should be right to protest", it should not be by upsetting the livelihood of others
Because his work as a painter ‘’requires that he use’’ products containing strong chemicals, he has developed skin allergy---
From time to time, there ‘’have been reports’’ of how children had tried to imitate their favourite hero and landed in trouble.
We are happy to note that ‘’the use of emission controls was’’ created to reduce air pollution.
Although he was seen with a drug-peddler, ‘’he is not necessarily himself a drug-peddler’’.
We have already identified areas where landslides are possible and ‘’start evacuation’’ of residents to safer locations
The law that now stands abolished was a ‘’flawed and discriminatory peace of ‘’ legislation