SBI PO 2002


In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word that fits the blank.

In these days of economic liberalisation, globalisation, etc., materialistic values have assumed ….(61)...importance. Money physical comforts and luxuries are most sought after aspects. There has been …(62)... competition. Such competition …(63)... under stress. The stress leads to ….(64)... of health of the people. Indian culture has …(65)... its striking uniqueness, as against the Western culture, in the fact that there is a ….(66)... place for spiritually is a very ….(67)... forced which helps is in maintaining our physical and mental health. It gives us …(68)... to cope with the stress. Westerners have now …(69)... the importance of spirituality and therefore, they have started…(70)... us in the matter of spirituality.

Question 131


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Question 132


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Question 133


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Question 134


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Question 135


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Read the following passage carefully to answer these questions. Certain words/phrases are printed in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions.

India’s nuclear ambition had been the bone of contention for a very long time. It was a ‘’settled’’ belief in our country that the US began to ‘’stress’’ the issue of signing the CTBT only in more recent round of talks when the two countries had come close to an ‘’agreement’’ on the other issues, including CTBT because it is part of its somewhat browbeating style of doing business. But a moment’s reflection would show that there could be another explanation. In the aftermath of Pokhran-II when tempers had cooled, the US was ‘’predisposed’’ to accept our Prime Minister’s repeated assertions that India intended to arm it with nuclear weapons only as a deterrent to a nuclear attack or blackmail.

Question 136

Which of the following statements is false in the context of the passage ?
A. Only because of Pokhran-II the US had accepted Indian Prime Minister’s assertion about India’s nuclear policy.
B. The round of talks were being held by at least three countries, the US being the mediator.
C. Indian Prime Minister has assured the world that it would not initiate attack on any nation.

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Question 137

The real intention of the US in bringing the nuclear issue to the fore is most probably

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Question 138

The author of the passage thinks that India’s planning for nuclear rearmament is

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Question 139

Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the contents of the passage ?
A. India’s possessing nuclear arsenals has frightened some countries
B. India is not reluctant to sign the CTBT
C. The US wants India to sign the CTBT

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Question 140

Which of the following inferences can be drawn from the content of the passage?

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