SBI PO 2000


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 31

Who among the following was the CM of Orissa just before Mr Hemchandra Biswas?

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Question 32

Which of the following book has been awarded Nobel prize 1999?

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Question 33

Which of the following anti -disease vaccines which is given to children below 15 years of age has been found ineffective after 1 long study

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Question 34

According to recently made provisions for which sector a Development Authority like SEBI has been Proposed?

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Question 35

Mr Darbari seth who died recently was closely associated with which of the following

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Question 36

Recently the Government of which country has allowed the Nurses to distribute anti-pregnancy tablets ‘’Baad ki Subah’’

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Question 37

From which process pure alcohol can be obtained

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Question 38

Which of the following amount of Disinvestment fixed by the Disinvestment Commission for the current fiscal year ?

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Question 39

Recently ,between the following two temas last asia cup Hockey Tournament was played?

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Question 40

Which of the following is NOT TRUE about india Export during period 1999 April?
1). Exports increased Approximately 10 percent during this period
2). Imports decreased 7.5 percent during this period
3). Trade deficit increased by the 6 percent

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