SBI PO 1999


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 11

How many Indian have Won Nobel Prizes before Prof.Amartya Sen?

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Question 12

As per Insurance Regulatory Authority Bill, 1998 what is the maximum proposed unit in a foreign investor can have in an Indian Insurance Company?

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Question 13

On 18th November 1998 in which Zodiac Constellation ‘’ The Meteorite shower’’ caused by the Passage of the Temple Turtle ‘’ comet , was Visible’’?

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Question 14

Mr Jose Saramago who won the Nobel Prize for Literature 1998 ,belongs to which of the following countries?

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Question 15

Which of the following states has become the first state in the country to set up permanent Lok Adalats?

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Question 16

Which of the following statements is are true about the famous ‘’ Y2K’’ problem related to computers?
a: Computers systems will not recognize the year 2000.
b: This Problem will be effective on 31st December ,1999 midnight 12.00
c: All the computers which are connected through INTERNET will stop functioning because of

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Question 17

Anwar Ibrahim is facing corruption charges and now in jail ,was Deputy Prime Minister of which of the following countries ?

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Question 18

To which of the countries ‘’Miss World 98’’ belong?

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Question 19

In which of the following states ,farmers burnt their cotton crops in suspicion of ‘’Terminator seed technology ‘’ based bollgard seeds?
Andhra Pradesh

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Question 20

Paramjit singh who broke a four decade ,old record in the National Open Athletic Meet 98 has set up a new record in ?

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