SBI Clerk 06 Jan 2008


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 151

The simple interest accrued on an amount of Rs. 19,800 at the end of three years is Rs. 7,128. What would be the compound interest accrued on the same amount at the same rate in the same period ?

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Question 152

If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 400% and the denominator is increased by 500%, the resultant fraction is 10/21 . What was the original fraction ?

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Question 153

What is 26% of 55% of 10/13th of 6100 ?

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Question 154

The ages of Aarzoo and Arnav are in the ratio of 11 : 13 respectively. After 7 years the ratio of their ages will be 20 : 23. What is the difference in years between their ages ?

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Question 155

0ne-eighth of a number is 17.25. What will 73% of the number be ?

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Study the graph carefully to answer the questions that follow :
No of Girls enrolled in Different Hobby Classes in various institutes in a year

Question 156

What is the respective ratio of total number of girls enrolled in Painting in the Institutes A and C together to those enrolled in stitching in the Institutes D and E together ?

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Question 157

Number of girls enrrolled in stitching in Institute B forms approximately what per cent of the total number of girls enrolled in stitching in all the Institutes together ?

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Question 158

What is the respective ratio of total number of girls enrolled in Painting, Stitching and Dancing from all the Institutes together ?

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Question 159

Number of girls enrolled in Dancing in Institute A forms what per cent of total number of girls enrolled in all the Hobby classes together in that Institute ? (rounded off to two digits after decimal)

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Question 160

What is the total number of girls enrolled in Painting from all the Institutes together ?

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