SBI Associated Clerk 2011 Question Paper (2nd Shift)


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 21

Which of the following is a form of irrigation used in India ?

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Question 22

Who amongst the following is one of the winner of the Noble Prize 2010 in physics ?

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Question 23

Mr. Howard Jacobson who is Booker prize winner for 2010 writes in.....

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Question 24

Who amongst the following has never been the prime Minister of India ?

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Question 25

Who amongst the following is a famous Booker Prize winner author of India origin ?

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Question 26

Which of the following schemes is launched to make cities free from slums ?

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Question 27

Which of the following trophies/cups is NOT associated with the game of Football ?

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Question 28

Shri S. M. krishna recently signed an agreement with Dr.Guido Westerwelle when he came to India in october 2010. This means this was an

agreement between India and ....

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Question 29

The first general election was held in India in.......

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Question 30

Which one of the following taxes/cess is levied by states in India ?

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