RRB Group-D previous year question papers

RRB (Railway Recuitment Board) is going to conduct the exam for 62,907 group-D posts. Solve RRB Group-D previous year question papers and understand the level of questions asked in Group-D railway recruitment exam.

Download RRB Group-D Previous Papers PDF

Download RRB Group-D previous papers questions PDF

You can download the questions asked in Railway RRB previous group-D in PDF format; to download latest RRB Group-D 2018-2019 previous papers, please click on "PDF" and then click on "Download" 

Detailed Solutions for RRB Group-D CBT Previous papers

In this previous papers, all questions are solved and detailed explanations are for each problem for all the sections. The RRB CBT (Computer Based Test) exam will have the Mathematics (Numerical-quantitative ability), General Intelligence and Reasoning, general science and general knowledge on current affairs.

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