IB ACIO 19 February 2021 Afternoon Shift


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 71

In the following question below are given some statements followed by some conclusions based on those statements. Taking the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusion logically follows the given statements.

I. All K are R.
II. Some R are F.

I. Some F are K.
II. Some R are not K.

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Question 72

Thickness of 8 tyres L, M, N, O, P, Q, R and S is compared. Thickness of no two tyres is same. Thickness of N is more than L but less than 6 tyres. Thickness of O is more than M but less than Q. Thickness of P is less than only two tyres. Thickness of Q is not more than P. Which of the following statement is not correct?

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Question 73

From the given answer figures, select the one in which the question figure is hidden/embedded.

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Question 74

Which two signs should be interchanged to make the below equation mathematically correct?

9 ÷ 3 + 6 - 6 × 2 = 30

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Question 75

Three statements are followed by four conclusions numbered I, II, III and IV. You have to consider these statett be true, even if they seem at variance from commonly known facts. Decide which of the given conclusions k follow(s) from the given statements.
1. All peacocks are ducks.
2. No duck is a kite.
3. All fowls are kites.
I. Some fowls are peacocks.
II. No kite is a peacock.
III. No peacock is a fowl.
IV. Some kites are peacocks.

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Question 76

Select the option that can replace the question mark (?) in the given figure and complete the pattern (rotation is NOT allowed)

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Question 77

Two statements are given followed by four conclusions I, II, Ill and IV. You have to consider these statements to be tit even if they seem at variance from commonly known facts. Decide which of the given conclusions logically follow(s) from the given statements.
A. Some spoons are forks.
B. Some forks are mats.
I. No spoon is a mat.
II. Some mats are forks.
III. Some mats are spoons.
IV. No fork is a spoon.

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Question 78

Find the missing number in the following number series:

2b:5, ______, 26.5, 30, 3d:5

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Question 79

Six people A, B, C, D, E and F sit around a circular table and they are facing the center, not necessarily in the same order. B sits opposite E and A sits opposite F. Neither A nor C sits adjacent to B. If A sits to the immediate right of D, then in which order these six people sit, starting from A, in clockwise direction?

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Question 80

Which of the following Venn diagrams best represents the relationship between birds, animals and crow?

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