SBI Clerk Data Analysis Test 16


Study the graphs carefully to answer the question that follows:
Total number of children in 6 different schools and the percentage of girls in them


Q 1

What is the total percentage of boys in schools R and U together ? (rounded off to two digits after decimal)

Q 2

What is the total number of boys in School T ?

Q 3

The total number of students in school R is approximately what per cent of the total number of students in School S?

Q 4

What is the average number of boys in schools P and Q together ?

Q 5

What is the ratio of the number of girls in school P to the number of girls in school Q ?

# Name Overall Score
1 Swethanaik 87 Naik 5
2 Hardik Gadher 5
3 Gayathri Shankar 5
4 Sakshi Thakur 5
5 Chetna Saini 4
6 bishnu mohanty 3
7 ravi garg 3
8 Tarun 3
9 bhaskar 3
10 Sumit Sharma 3

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