TISSNET Geography Questions [Download PDF]

_ Geography Questions

TISSNET Geography Questions [Download PDF]

TISSNET Geography questions with a PDF by Cracku. Practice TISSNET solved Geography Questions paper tests, and these are the practice question to have a firm grasp on the Geography topic in the TISSNET exam. Very Important Geography Questions for TISSNET based on the questions asked in the previous TISSNET exam papers. Click on the link below to download the TISSNET Geography Questions with answers PDF.

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Question 1: Which of the following country has the maximum number of reptile species?

a) Mexico

b) Brazil

c) Indonesia

d) Australia

e) China

1) Answer (D)


Australia with 1078 has the maximum number of reptile species.
Hence, option d is the correct answer.

Question 2: Match the following countries with their respective continents.
Country                   Continent
(1) Mauritius           (i) North America
(2) Belgium            (ii) Asia
(3) Canada            (iii) Europe
(4) Hong Kong      (iv) South America
(5) Brazil               (v) Africa

a) (1)-(iv), (2)-(v), (3)-(ii), (4)-(iii), (5)-(i)

b) (1)-(v), (2)-(iii), (3)-(i), (4)-(ii), (5)-(iv)

c) (1)-(iv), (2)-(i), (3)-(v), (4)-(iii), (5)-(ii)

d) (1)-(iii), (2)-(v), (3)-(iv), (4)-(i), (5)-(ii)

e) (1)-(v), (2)-(ii), (3)-(iv), (4)-(iii), (5)-(i)

2) Answer (B)


Mauritius ⇒ Africa
Belgium ⇒ Europe
Canada ⇒ North America
Hong Kong ⇒ Asia
Brazil ⇒ South America
Hence, option b is the correct answer.

Question 3: Match the desert with their respective nations.
Desert                                      Nation

(1) Patagonian Desert           (P) China
(2) Karakum Desert               (Q) Kenya
(3) Taklamakan Desert          (R) Turkmenistan
(4) Registan Desert               (S) Argentina
(5) Chalbi Desert                   (T) Afghanistan

a) (1)-(Q), (2)-(R), (3)-(T), (4)-(P), (5)-(S)

b) (1)-(T), (2)-(P), (3)-(Q), (4)-(R), (5)-(S)

c) (1)-(S), (2)-(R), (3)-(P), (4)-(T), (5)-(Q)

d) (1)-(R), (2)-(Q), (3)-(T), (4)-(S), (5)-(P)

e) (1)-(T), (2)-(S), (3)-(P), (4)-(R), (5)-(Q)

3) Answer (C)


Patagonian Desert ⇒ Argentina
Karakum Desert ⇒ Turkmenistan
Taklamakan Desert ⇒ China
Registan Desert ⇒ Afghanistan
Chalbi Desert ⇒ Kenya
Hence, option c is the correct answer.

Question 4: Koala bear is mainly found in which continent?

a) South America

b) Australia

c) Africa

d) Asia

e) North America

4) Answer (B)


Koala bear is mainly found in Australia.
Hence, option b is the correct answer.

Question 5: ‘Volga’ river in which of the following continents?

a) Asia

b) North America

c) Africa

d) Europe

5) Answer (D)


‘Volga’ river in Europe continent.
Hence, option d is the correct answer.

Question 6: ‘Atacama’ desert is in which of the following continents?

a) Europe

b) North America

c) Asia

d) South America

6) Answer (D)


‘Atacama’ desert is in South America.
Hence, option d is the correct answer.

Question 7: Match the following dams with their respective states.
Dam                                        State
(1) Hidkal Dam            (a)Himachal Pradesh
(2) Koyna Dam            (b)Gujarat
(3) Pandoh Dam          (c)Jharkhand
(4) Ukai Dam               (d)Karnataka
(5) Tilaiya Dam            (e)Maharashtra

a) (1)-(e), (2)-(a), (3)-(d), (4)-(b), (5)-(c)

b) (1)-(d), (2)-(e), (3)-(a), (4)-(b), (5)-(c)

c) (1)-(b), (2)-(a), (3)-(e), (4)-(c), (5)-(d)

d) (1)-(c), (2)-(a), (3)-(e), (4)-(b), (5)-(d)

7) Answer (B)


Hidkal Dam ⇒ Karnataka
Koyna Dam ⇒ Maharashtra
Pandoh Dam ⇒ Himachal Pradesh
Ukai Dam ⇒ Gujarat
Tilaiya Dam ⇒ Jharkhand
Hence, option b is the correct answer.

Question 8: UAE(United Arab Emirates) shares the border with which of the following countries?
(i) Ukraine
(ii) Oman
(iii) Russia
(iv) China
(v) Saudi Arabia

a) (i), (iii) and (iv)

b) (ii) and (v)

c) (i) and (iv)

d) (ii), (iii) and (v)

8) Answer (B)


UAE(United Arab Emirates) shares the border with Oman and Saudi Arabia.
Hence, option b is the correct answer.

Question 9: Shivasamudram Project is related to which of the following states?

a) Tamil Nadu

b) Kerala

c) Andhra Pradesh

d) Karnataka

9) Answer (D)


Shivasamudram Project is related to Karnataka.
Hence, option d is the correct answer.

Question 10: Which of the following is the leading coffee producer in the world?

a) Vietnam

b) Indonesia

c) Brazil

d) India

10) Answer (C)


Brazil is the leading coffee producer in the world.
Hence, option c is the correct answer.

Question 11: Match the following boundary lines name with their respective countries.
Boundary line                      Country

(1) Oder Neisse Line      (a) India and China
(2) Radcliffe Line            (b) Germany and Poland
(3) Durand Line              (c) India and Pakistan
(4) McMahon Line          (d) Afghanistan and Pakistan

a) (1)-(b), (2)-(a), (3)-(d), (4)-(c)

b) (1)-(c), (2)-(d), (3)-(a), (4)-(b)

c) (1)-(c), (2)-(a), (3)-(d), (4)-(b)

d) (1)-(b), (2)-(c), (3)-(d), (4)-(a)

11) Answer (D)


Oder Neisse Line ⇒ Germany and Poland
Radcliffe Line ⇒ India and Pakistan
Durand Line ⇒ Afghanistan and Pakistan
McMahon Line ⇒ India and China
Hence, option d is the correct answer.

Question 12: Which of the following Indian state has the largest area under forests?

a) Arunachal Pradesh

b) Odisha

c) Madhya Pradesh

d) Maharashtra

12) Answer (C)


Madhya Pradesh has the largest area under forests.
Hence, option c is the correct answer.

Question 13: Identify the correct statements.
(i) The hot wind running in Argentina is called Zonda.
(ii) The Pacific Ocean is the largest among world’s five oceans.
(iii) China is the largest country in the world by area.

a) (i) and (ii)

b) (ii) and (iii)

c) (i) and (iii)

d) All (i), (ii) and (iii)

13) Answer (A)


Except statement (iii), remaining statements are correct.
China is the third largest country in the world by area. Russia and Canada are on the first and second places respectively.
Hence, option a is the correct answer.

Question 14: Russia is in which of the following continents?
(i) Europe
(ii) Africa
(iii) Asia
(iv) Australia

a) (i), (iii) and (iv)

b) (ii) and (iv)

c) (i) and (iii)

d) (ii), (iii) and (iv)

14) Answer (C)


Russia is in Asia and Europe continents.
Hence, option c is the correct answer.

Question 15: Paradip Port is located in which of the states?

a) Maharashtra

b) Gujarat

c) Odisha

d) Tamil Nadu

15) Answer (C)


Paradip Port is located in Odisha.
Hence, option c is the correct answer.

Question 16: Identify the correct statements.
(i) Mexico is a Central American country.
(ii) Australia is the smallest continent.
(iii) Alps mountain is in Europe continent.

a) (i) and (ii)

b) (i) and (iii)

c) (ii) and (iii)

d) All (i), (ii) and (iii)

16) Answer (D)


All the given three statements are correct.
Hence, option d is the correct answer.

Question 17: Which of the following countries share boundaries with North Korea?
(i) China
(ii) Ukraine
(iii) France
(iv) Russia
(v) South Korea

a) (i), (iii) and (v)

b) (ii), (iii) and (v)

c) (ii), (iv) and (v)

d) (i), (iv) and (v)

17) Answer (D)


China, South Korea and Russia share boundaries with North Korea.
Hence, option d is the correct answer.

Question 18: Which of the following planet has maximum number of satellites?

a) Jupiter

b) Saturn

c) Neptune

d) Uranus

18) Answer (B)


Saturn has maximum number of satellites.
Hence, option b is the correct answer.

Question 19: Match List I with List II.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

a) (A)-(i), (B)-(iv), (C)-(ii), (D)-(iii)

b) (A)-(iv), (B)-(i), (C)-(ii), (D)-(iii)

c) (A)-(ii), (B)-(i), (C)-(iv), (D)-(iii)

d) (A)-(iii), (B)-(ii), (C)-(i), (D)-(iv)

19) Answer (A)

Question 20: Change in Seasons occur due to
(A) Earth’s rotation
(B) Earth’s Revolution
(C) Inclination of Earth axis
Choose the correct options from the options given below:

a) (A) and (B) only

b) (B) and (C) only

c) (A) and (C) only

d) (A), (B) and (C)

20) Answer (B)

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