SSC CGL English Test 54


In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alter natives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four as your answer.

Q 1

The police fired on the mob when they …………..

Q 2

He has the full facts …………..but is deliberately hiding them.

Q 3

The appearance of the city …………day by day.

Q 4

When the morning …………..the murder was discovered.

Q 5

The smell of the Sea called………………. memories of her child-hood.

# Name Overall Score
1 Ashwini Shelke 5
2 Adrija Banerjee 5
3 Pradeep Jha 5
5 Stephen 3
6 Priyanka Yolmo 3
7 sunil kumar 3
8 pankaj 3
9 Sudipto Guin 3
10 Chandra Sekhar 3

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