RRB NTPC 29 March 2016 Shift 1


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 41

Who was the first to score a perfect 10 in Olympics in gymnastics?

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Question 42

Geetha weighs 11.235 kg. Her sister weighs 1.4 times her weight. Find their combined weight?

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Question 43

Below are given statements followed by some conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with the commonly known facts.
1) Because of motor vehicles like cars, pollution has increased manifold.
2) Respiratory diseases are increasing due to pollution.
I. If cars were not there pollution would be nil
II Doctors earn a lot due to pollution.
Decide which of the given conclusions logically follow(s) from the given statements.

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Question 44

Sita told her friend Gita "I am leaving today and will reach Mumbai tomorrow for my exams starting the day after tomorrow, which is Friday". What day is tomorrow in this conversation?

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Question 45

A deep crack in a glacier is called

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Question 46

If angles of a quadrilateral are in the ratio 3:5:9:13, find the largest angle?

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Question 47

Headquarters of UNESCO is located at

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Question 48

Madhubani painting style is native to which state?

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Question 49

If cost price of 5 cars is equal to selling price of 4 cars. Find the percentage of profit or loss?

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Question 50

What smallest number should be added to the sum of squares of 15 and 14, so that the resulting number is a perfect square?

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