RRB Group-D 3 Oct 2018-shift -2


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 71

Who among the following is the current Speaker of the Lok Sabha?

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Question 72

Daulat Khan sent messengers to Babur in Kabul, offering his allegiance in exchange for assistance against the emperor ..............

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Question 73

Reema bought a car fort ₹ 75,000 and spent ₹ 10,000 on its repairs. She sold this car to Chin, at a profit of 15%. Chiru sold it to Ritu at a profit of 10%. What did Ritu pay for the car?

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Question 74

Government of India declared August 15, 2017 to be celebrated as:

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Question 75

Pointing to a photograph of a person Ramesh said, "This person is the son oldie only child of my mother." Then how is Ramesh. related to that person?

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Question 76

A tank has three pipes. The first one fills up the tank in 30 min and the second one can fill it up in 45 min. The third one drains out the tank. With all the pipes open it takes 27 min to fill up the tank. Find out how long it takes the third pipe alone to empty a full tank?

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Question 77

Son and father both identified that Figure a and b are related in a particular way or manner. Establish the same 7 relationship between c and d choosing from five alternatives.

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Question 78

A train ]eaves from a station and moves at 40 km/hr. After 2 hours, another train leaves from the same station and moves in the same direction at a certain speed. lithe second train catches up with the first train in 4 hours, what is the speed of the second train?

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Question 79

Which of the following. pairs have the same SI units?

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Question 80

Which film was given Best Film Award at the $$64^{th}$$ National Awards in 2017?

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