XAT Synonyms and Antonyms Questions [Download PDF]

Synonyms and Antonyms Questions PDF

Synonyms and Antonyms Questions for XAT

Download Synonyms and Antonyms Questions for XAT PDF – XAT Synonyms and Antonyms questions pdf by Cracku. Practice XAT solved Synonyms and Antonyms Questions paper tests, and these are the practice question to have a firm grasp on the Synonyms and Antonyms topic in the XAT exam. Top 20 very Important Synonyms and Antonyms Questions for XAT based on asked questions in previous exam papers.  The XAT question papers contain actual questions asked with answers and solutions.

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InstructionsDirections :In the following questions choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.

Question 1: FLORID

a) Weak

b) Pale

c) Monotonous

d) Ugly

1) Answer (B)


Florid means having a red or flushed complexion.
In the given options A and C can be eliminated because they aren’t relevant.
Option D doesn’t mean that somebody is not red.
So the remaining option B is the right choice as “Pale” means light faded colour(red).

Question 2: VERITY

a) Sanctity

b) Reverence

c) Falsehood

d) Rarity

2) Answer (C)


Verity means something that is regarded true.
So option C, Falsehood is the only word in the options which gives the opposite meaning of the given word.


a) Vagueness

b) Dullness

c) Unfairness

d) Unwillingness

3) Answer (A)


Perspecuity means to see through, and vagueness means to have a rough imagery or not clear a image.

Question 4: FERVENT

a) Inexcitable

b) Enduring

c) Dispassionate

d) Subdued

4) Answer (C)


Fevent means showing a passionate intensity.
So option C, “Dispassionate”, is clearly the antonym for fervent.

Question 5: MEANDERING

a) Sliding

b) Sloping

c) Strained

d) Straight

5) Answer (D)


Meandering means “being a curvy path” and the word straight is the perfect antonym.

InstructionsDirections : In the following Questions sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each Question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four.

Question 6: When will you hand ____ your assignment?

a) in

b) back

c) down

d) into

6) Answer (A)


Directions : In the following Questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word.

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In following questions, out of the four alternatives choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given.

Question 7: OBNOXIOUS

a) Depressing

b) Disgusting

c) Arrogant

d) Filthy

7) Answer (B)


Obnoxious means extremely unpleasant.

Depressing = feeling miserable dejection

Disgusting = unpleasant

Arrogant = egoistic

Filthy = unclean

Thus, second option best expresses meaning of above word.

=> Ans – (B)

Question 8: COVENANT

a) Case

b) Coupon

c) Contract

d) settlement

8) Answer (C)


Covenant means an agreement.

Case = situation

Coupon = a discount voucher

Contract = agreement

Settlement = bargain

Thus, the third option best expresses meaning of above word.

=> Ans – (C)

Question 9: DEFERENCE

a) Indifference

b) Sympathy

c) Respect

d) Flattery

9) Answer (C)


Deference means to show respect, hence the third option best expresses meaning of above word.

Indifference means sympathy and flattery means to praise.

=> Ans – (C)

Question 10: ABROGATE

a) Repeal

b) Destroy

c) Delay

d) Dismiss

10) Answer (A)


Abrogate means to repeal or evade, hence the first option best expresses meaning of above word.

Destroy means to ruin, delay means late and dismiss means to send away.

=> Ans – (A)

Question 11: INTREPID

a) Ambitious

b) Determined

c) Talkative

d) Fearless

11) Answer (D)


Intrepid means someone who is not afraid, i.e. fearless, hence the last option best expresses meaning of above word.

Ambitious and determined are synonyms and talkative is one who speaks a lot.

=> Ans – (D)

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