Vocabulary Questions For LIC AAO PDF

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Vocabulary Questions For LIC AAO PDF

Download Important Vocabulary questions for LIC AAO exam. Top 20 English Vocabulary questions with answers based on previous year asked questions.

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Question 1: Surfing is used to describe:

a) act of using a board to ride the waves

b) moving from one to internet website to another

c) both (a) and (b)

d) The act of passing a judgement by the judge in a court

e) None of the above

Question 2: Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.
‘’At the eleventh hour’’

a) Too late

b) too early

c) immediately

d) at the last moment

Question 3: Synonym for: Aureate is

a) brilliant

b) gilded

c) resplendent

d) archaic

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Question 4: Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning to the ‘’bold’’ word.
He is very ‘’impulsive’’ in everything he does.

a) deliberate

b) wary

c) rash

d) impressive

Question 5: In the question given below, a part of sentence is italicised and printed in ‘’bold’’. Below are given alternatives to the italicised part which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternatives. In case no improvement is needed, option (d) is a answer.
I would have waited for you at the station if ‘’I knew’’ that you would come.

a) had known

b) was knowing

c) have known

d) No improvement

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Question 6: Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning to ‘‘bold’’ word:
It was a very ‘’dreary’’ day.

a) drab

b) dangerous

c) beautiful

d) bright

Question 7: Analogy for:

a) puritan : excellence

b) gourmand : starvation

c) swindler : knavery

d) lawyer : graft

Question 8: Choose the word which is ‘’not’’ a synonym for the given word:

a) scurf

b) silver

c) chip

d) bunting

Question 9: Analogy for

a) physician : medicine

b) wave : amplitude

c) spectrum : colour

d) scanty : plenty

Question 10: In the following question, four alternatives are given for the idiom/phrase. Choose the answer which best expresses the meaning of the given idiom/phrase.
To play fast and loose

a) to deceive someone

b) to be playful

c) say one thing and do another

d) to be efficient


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Question 11: Find the correct word for expression.
Instrument for testing the quality of milk

a) Altimeter

b) Lactometer

c) Barometer

d) Chronometer

Question 12: Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word.

a) Animated

b) Bewildered

c) Enraptured

d) Illful

Question 13: In the following question,four alternatives are given for the idiom/phrases. Choose the answer which best expresses the meaning of the given idiom/phrase:
Elbow room

a) opportunity for freedom of action

b) special room for the guest

c) to give enough space to move or work in

d) to add a new room to the house

Question 14: Antonym for ‘’Consanguinity’’ is

a) affinity

b) corpulent

c) estrangement

d) anarchy

Question 15: In the following question, four alternatives are given for idiom/phrase. Choose the answer which best express the meaning of the given idiom/phrase:
To burn a hole in the pocket

a) to steal from someone’s pocket

b) to destroy other’s belongings

c) to be very miserly

d) money that is spent quickly

Question 16: Choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/ sentence.
A figure of speech by which a thing is spoken of as being that which it only resembles

a) Metaphor

b) Simile

c) Personification

d) Alliteration

Question 17: Which of the following is not a synonym of the word Bastille ?

a) fortress

b) prison

c) jail

d) fop

Question 18: Choose the word which is not a synonym for the given word:

a) squirt

b) spurt

c) gush

d) jewry

Question 19: Choose the word which is the exact opposite of the given word.

a) Gentle

b) Sincere

c) Amiable

d) Dependable

Question 20: Antonym for ‘’Garrulous’’ is

a) loquacious

b) talkative

c) quiet

d) weary

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (C)

2) Answer (D)

‘At the eleventh hour’ means something which is done at the last moment.
The phrase refers to doing something at last just before a deadline.
Therefore, the correct option is option D.

3) Answer (B)

Aureate means cover something with gold.
Gilded also means same.
Therefore synonym of aureate is gilded.
4) Answer (C)

Impulsive means something which is done hastily or in a rush.
The word resembles it closely in meaning is ‘rash’.
Therefore, the correct option is option C.
5) Answer (A)

Here, the simple past tense has been wrongly used instead of past perfect tense.
The correct sentence would read as:
I would have waited for you at the station if I had known that you would come.
Therefore, the correct option is option A.
6) Answer (D)

Dreary means dull or boring or dismal.
Therefore, the opposite of dreary will be bright.
Hence, the correct option is option D.

7) Answer (C)

8) Answer (D)

Flake means chips of surface part of something.
Scurf means chip or flake.Silver also in one of its meaning refer to chips.
The odd one out is ‘bunting’.
Therefore, the correct option is option D
9) Answer (C)

10) Answer (B)

11) Answer (B)

Instrument used for testing the quality of milk is lactometer.
Therefore, the correct option is option B.
12) Answer (C)

Ecstatic means extremely delighted or filled with joy.
Animated means lively. Bewildered means surprised. Enraptured means delighted. Illful means having bad intentions.
Therefore, ecstatic is synonymous with enraptured.
Hence, the correct option is option C.
13) Answer (C)

‘Elbow room’ means to give sufficient room or space to move or to make way for.
Therefore, the correct option is option C
14) Answer (C)

Consanguinity means having close affinity or relation.
The opposite of this would be ‘estrangement’.
Therefore, the correct option is option C.
15) Answer (D)

‘To burn a hole in pocket’ means ‘ to spend money in a quick and excessive manner’.
It’s an idiom used to denote purchase of something which is expensive.
Therefore, the correct option is option D.
16) Answer (B)

Simile a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind.
In simile, the thing is spoken as something which it only resembles.
Therefore, the correct option is option B.
17) Answer (D)

Bastille means prison. It is also synonmous with jail and fortress.
Fop means someone who is vain about his clothes.
Therefore, the odd one out is fop.
Hence, correct option is option D.

18) Answer (D)

Here, squirt, spurt, and gush mean same i.e to spray.
Therefore, the odd one out is ‘jewry’.
Hence, the correct option is option D.
19) Answer (B)

Hypocritical means pretense or insincere.
Opposite od hypocritical is sincere.
Therefore, the correct option is option B.
20) Answer (C)

Garrulous means excessively talkative.
The opposite of garrulous is quiet.
Therefore, the correct option is option C.

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