RRB Assistant Loco Pilot cut off marks 2018 – Railways ALP and Technician Expected cutoffs Region wise

RRB Assistant Loco pilot cut off 2018 expected
RRB Assistant Loco pilot cut off 2018 expected

RRB ALP exam date is out. The exam date is 9th August 2018. This is the correct time for aspirants to kick-start their preparation. In this blog, let us have a look at the RRB assistant Loco Pilot cut off marks to have some idea about what one should be aiming for.

RRB ALP crash course can help aspirants a great deal in improving their basics and enhancing their understanding of the concepts. Previous year papers of RRB ALP can help aspirants to gauge the level of the exam. Also, RRB ALP mock tests can help aspirants to fine-tune their preparation and to develop a strategy for the actual exam.

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RRB Assistant loco pilot cut off marks:

Before moving on to the cut off marks, it is important to know about the pattern of the exam. RRB conducts the exam in 3 tiers. The first and second CBTs are mandatory for both ALPs and technicians. ALPs have to undergo a final computer based aptitude test too before getting selected.

The RRB Assistant loco pilot cut off marks is different from the qualifying marks mentioned in the notification. A candidate must secure the qualifying marks for RRB to consider him for further processes. However, merely qualifying is not enough since only candidates who rank sufficiently high in the merit list bag the jobs.

The qualifying marks for first stage CBT are 40% for UR, 30% for OBC and SC, 25% for ST. The first stage CBT is a qualifying exam and the score a candidate obtains will not influence his/her final selection. RRB shortlists candidates around 15 times the number of vacancies for stage 2 exam.

Aspirants can consider a score above 60 to be pretty safe to clear the exam. Aspirants must try to score above at least 70 percent of the total marks in the exam to have some reasonable chance at clearing the exam.

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Railways RRB ALP & Technician CBT stage II:

The second stage exam will consist of 2 parts – part A and part B. Part A will have 100 questions. The time duration of the exam is 90 minutes. Apart from reasoning and quants, the exam contains sections like basic science and current affairs. RRB uses the marks of the candidate in tier 2 exam as one of the inputs while preparing the merit list. Therefore, aspirants must try to score as high as possible to further their chances of selection.

Part B exam is of qualifying type. The exam is for 75 marks and aspirants must obtain at least 35% of the total marks to be considered for further processes. The final round will be a computer-based aptitude test (CA), only for candidates who have opted for ALP. RRB calculates the final marks using the following formula.

Marks = 0.7*Part A score(CBT 2) + 0.3* CA score.

RRB prepares a final merit list and candidates who are placed sufficiently high are called for Document Verification (DV) process. Candidates must qualify the mandatory medical test too to get the final admit.

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Based on RRB Assistant loco pilot cut off 2014, we can assume 75 to be a safe score to get through the process provided the level of difficulty remains the same. Any score below 60 is unlikely to make the cut. Therefore, aspirants must try to score above 80 so that they can fall above the 75% mark.

For other categories, the expected cut off is around 70% for OBC, 65% for SC and 60% for ST.

The RRB assistant loco pilot cut off marks varies greatly from one region to another region depending on the number of vacancies. Therefore, aspirants from regions with less number of vacancies must try to score above 80% of the total marks at each stage to have a decent shot at the job.

RRB normalizes scores at every stage to ensure fairness. This, in turn, ensures that aspirants from any particular slot are not at any advantage or disadvantage. During RRB recruitment in 2014, the final cut off for Chennai division was 57.76 and for Bhubaneswar division was 73.43.

We hope that this blog on RRB Assistant Loco Pilot cut off would have given you some idea about the score one must be aiming for. Go through RRB ALP notification details to know more about the pattern and the structure of the exam.

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