List of International Boundary Lines PDF

List of International Boundary Lines PDF
List of International Boundary Lines PDF

List of International Boundary Lines PDF covers the list of important boundary lines of the India and World. This important boundary lines list also covers boundaries of india with neighbouring countries.

This Boundary lines list is very important for Competitive exams as we can see from the SBI Clerk Previous solved papers. Take a free mock test for SBI clerk to practice more on this boundary line topic.

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List of International Boundary Lines PDF

# Boundary Line Continent Boundary between Countries
1. Maginot Line Europe It is a boundary line dividing Germany & France.
2. Siegfried Line Europe The Siegfried Line was a First World War line between Germany & France.
3. Hindenburg Line Europe Boundary between Poland & Germany in 1917 during the First World War.
4. Oder–Neisse line Europe It is serving as the international border between Germany and Poland post world war II.
5. Mannerheim Line Europe Boundary between Russia & Finland.
6. Durand Line Asia International border between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
7. Radcliffe Line Asia It was the boundary demarcation line between India, Pakistan and East Pakistan (Now Bangladesh) published on 17 August 1947 upon the Partition of India.
8. Line of Control Asia Also known as Cease-fire Line, it is the military control line between the Indian and Pakistani controlled parts of the former princely state of Jammu and Kashmir—a line which does not constitute a legally recognized international boundary.
9. McMahon Line Asia It is a border line between Northeast India and Tibet proposed by Henry McMahon. But it is the effective boundary between China and India.
10. 24th Parallel Asia Line which Pakistan claims for demarcation between India and Pakistan. However India does not consider it.
11. 17th Parallel Asia It is the boundary between North Vietnam and South Vietnam before they were united.


12. 38th Parallel Asia It is the boundary line between North Korea & South Korea.
13. 49th Parallel North America It is the boundary line between United States of America & Canada. It is also called as “Medicine Line”.


Boundary lines between India and other countries is also important like List of International Boundary Lines.

List of International Boundary Lines of India:

Pakistan: India Shares its boundary with the Pakistan along the Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Rajasthan and Gujarat.

China: India Shares its boundary with China along the Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh.

Nepal: India Shares its boundary with Nepal along the Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Sikkim.

Bangladesh: India Shares its boundary with Bangladesh along West Bengal, Sikkim, Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram.

Bhutan: India Shares its boundary with Bhutan along Sikkim, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh.

Myanmar: India Shares its boundary with Myanmar along Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur and Mizoram.

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Previous Questions from List of International Boundary Lines PDF:

Boundary Line between Pakistan and Afghanistan is known as……………… [SBI Clerk 08]

  1. Radcliffe Line
  2. Hindenburg Line
  3. McMahon Line
  4. Durand Line
  5. Mason–Dixon line


Answer: D

Which of the following does not touch the boundary of Myanmar?                 [RRB 2009]

  1. Arunachal Pradesh
  2. Nagaland
  3. Tripura
  4. Mizoram
  5. Manipur


Answer: C


The boundary line between India and which country is called the Radcliffe line? [RRB 2016]


  1. China
  2. Pakistan
  3. Nepal
  4. Tibet
  5. Myanmar


Answer: B


Which of the following districts is on the international border of India?

  1. Kullu
  2. Gorakhpur
  3. Kinnaur
  4. Jaipur
  5. Both A & C


Answer: B

Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh) lies in the border of Nepal.

List of Stock Exchanges in the World PDF

Which State in India shares 8 state boundaries and 2 International boundaries ?

  1. Jammu & Kashmir
  2. Uttarakhand
  3. Assam
  4. Sikkim
  5. Bihar


Answer: C


The Patkai Bum forms the international boundary between which of the following?

  1. Nagaland & Myanmar
  2. Assam & Nepal
  3. Gujarat & Pakistan
  4. Arunachal Pradesh & Myanmar
  5. Bihar & Nepal


Answer: D


India shares longest boundary with which of the following Countries?

  1. Pakistan
  2. China
  3. Bangladesh
  4. Sri Lanka
  5. Nepal

Answer: C

India share longest border with Bangladesh a 4,096-kilometer (2,545-mile)-long international border, the fifth-longest land border in the world, including 262 km in Assam, 856 km in Tripura, 180 km in Mizoram, 443 km in Meghalaya, and 2,217 km in West Bengal.

As you have gone through our List of International Boundary Lines PDF, also download our List of Revolutions in India PDF.

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