For the following questions answer them individually
You are given a question and two statements. Identify which of the statements is/are necessary/sufficient to answer the question.
There are 6 baskets in a supermarket that are used to load and unload commodity. All have been filled with tins of 2 different sizes and shapes. In total, how many tins have been loaded in the baskets?
1. The shape of 6 tins is such that in one !whey, only 2 can fit.
2. The tins contain processed sauce
In the figure given above, AF is a tangent to the circle at E, $$\angle{CDE}$$ = 80° and $$m (\overline{BC}) = m (\overline{BE})$$. What is the measure of $$\angle{BEA}$$?Â
........ tissue is found beneath the skin, around the kidneys and between the internal organs.
Read the given statement( s) and conclusions carefully. Assuming that the information in the statement(s) is true, even if they appear to be at variance with commonly known facts, select which of the conclusions logically follow(s) from the statement(s) beyond reasonable doubt.
All crayons are pens
All pens are nibs
(I) All crayons are nibs
(II) All nibs are crayons