RRB 2009 Bhopal


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 11

Which of the following crops does need water during sowing it ?

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Question 12

Which of the following is called a blood bank ?

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Question 13

Which of the following gases is used to fill the tyres of aeroplanes ?

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Question 14

Which of the following is a vector Quantity ?

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Question 15

The boy was (1)/ electrocuted when he (2) / wanders into (3)/ a railway track (4).
Out of the four parts (1),(2),(3) and (4) which is incorrect ?

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Question 16

The chemical name of washing soda is

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Question 17

Which ruler died while coming down the ladders ?

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Question 18

The poet Kalidas was contemporary of

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Question 19

During which Mughal emperor the art of painting achieved the Zenith?

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Question 20

Match the following

List-I List-II
A: Dynamite i: F.C. Hopkins
B: Electrolysis ii: Thomas Edison
C: Gramophone iii: Faraday
D: Vitamin D iv: Alfred Nobel


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