RRB 2008 Kolkata


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 1

The chemical bond in germanium crystal is

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Question 2

A ball is thrown upward in vacuum at 49 m/sec. The time taken by the ball to reach the highest point is

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Question 3

The majority charge carriers in p - type semi conductors are

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Question 4

A body is projected at angle $$\theta$$ with the horizontal, time of flight is given by

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Question 5

If the distance between two masses be doubled, the gravitational force of attraction between them will be

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Question 6

The ratio the length and the breadth of a rectangle is 4 : 3. The area of the rectangle is 192 $$cm^{2}$$. What will be its perimeter ?

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Question 7

A force provides an acceleration of 0.5 $$m/sec^{2}$$ to a body of mass 2 kg. What acceleration will it produce when acting on a body of mass 10 kg ?

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Question 8

The cathode rays are

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Question 9

In the most popular abbreviation in the field of banking sectors ‘CBS’. The letter ‘C’ stands for

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Question 10

Which group of inhabitants is tagged to be connected by seasonal roads during 2008-09 ?

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