Railways Reasoning Test 158


For the following questions answer them individually

Q 1

Select the figure which does NOT belong to the group.

Q 2

Ina certain code, if ZIGZAGGING is written as AZGIZGNIGG, then how will BLIZZARDLY be written as in the same code?

Q 3

Starting from point O facing West a man walks 4 kilometre reach point A, turns right walks 4 kilometre reach point B, turn right walks 4 kilometre reach point C, turns right walks 3 kilometre reach point D, turns left walks 4 kilometre reach point E, turns right walks 5 kilometre reach point F. At point C, the man is facing ....... direction.

Q 4

If AMERICA = 1734651, INDIA: = 68961, how will you write CANADA?

Q 5

Using the sequence 5JA8K6G40C1659NLEPUF, select the term that does NOT belong to the following series.
AG, IN, 46, NF

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1 All in one 5
2 Muthu Kumar 5
3 tsowmya sow 5
4 vodnala kranthi kumar 5
5 praveen halakeri 5
6 Vipin Vips 5
7 Rishu 5
8 Subha 5
10 Ranjith Reddy 5

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