SSC CGL Questions on Discount

SSC CGL Questions on Discount
SSC CGL Questions on Discount

SSC CGL Questions on Discount:

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Question 1: If on a marked price, the difference of selling prices with a discount of 30% and two successive discounts of 20% and 10%is Rs. 72, then the marked price (in rupees) is:

a) 3,600

b) 3,000

c) 2,500

d) 2,400

Question 2: Successive discounts of 10%, 20% and 30% is equivalent to a single discount of:

a) 60%

b) 49.6%

c) 40.5%

d) 36%

Question 3: The cost price of an article is Rs. 800. After allowing a discount of 10%, a gain of 12.5% was made. Then the marked price of the article is

a) Rs. 1,000

b) Rs. 1,100

c) Rs. 1,200

d) Rs. 1,300

Question 4: A man bought an article listed at Rs. 1500 with a discount of 20% offered on the list price. What additional discount must be offered to man to bring the net price to Rs. 1,104?

a) 8%

b) 10%

c) 12%

d) 15%

Question 5: When the price of an article was reduced by 20% its sale increased by 80%. What was the net effect on the revenue?

a) 44% increase

b) 44% decrease

c) 66% increase

d) 66% decrease

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Question 6: The marked price of an item is Rs. 480. The shopkeeper allows a discount at 10% and gains 8%. If no discount is allowed, his gain percent would be

a) 18%

b) 18.5%

c) 20.5%

d) 20%

Question 7: The difference between a discount of 40% on Rs. 500 and two successive discounts of 36%, 4% on the same amount is

a) Rs. 0

b) Rs. 2

c) Rs. 1.93

d) Rs. 7.20

Question 8: The cost price of an article is 64% of the marked price. The gain percentage after allowing a discount of 12% on the market price is

a) 37.5%

b) 48%

c) 50.5%

d) 52%

Question 9: A reduction of 20% in the price of sugar enables me to purchase 5 kg more for Rs. 100. Find the price of sugar per kg before reduction of price.

a) Rs. 25

b) Rs. 30

c) Rs. 32

d) Rs. 36

Question 10: A dozen pairs of socks quoted at Rs. 180 are available at discount of 20%. How many pairs of socks can be bought for Rs. 48?

a) 4 pairs

b) 2 pairs

c) 5 pairs

d) 3 pairs


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Question 11: The marked price of a table is Rs. 12000. If it was sold for Rs. 10500 after allowing a certain discount, then the rate of discount is

a) 10%

b) 12.5%

c) 15%

d) 17.5%

Question 12: The marked price of a radio set is Rs. 480. The shopkeeper allows discount of 10% and gains 8%. If no discount is allowed, his gain percent would be

a) 18%

b) 18.5%

c) 20%

d) 25%

Question 13: Find a simple discount equivalent to a discount series of 10%, 20% and 25%.

a) 55%

b) 45%

c) 52%

d) 46%

Question 14: The difference between successive discounts of 40% followed by 30% and 45% followed by 20% on the marked price of an article is Rs. 12. The marked price of the article is :

a) 800

b) 400

c) 200

d) 600

Question 15: An article which is marked at Rs. 975 is sold for Rs.897. The discount percent is

a) 10%

b) 12%

c) 6%

d) 8%

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Question 16: The marked price of a watch was 720. A man bought the same fort 550.80 after getting two successive discounts, the 1st being 10%. What was the 2nd discount ?

a) 14%

b) 15%

c) 18%

d) 12%

Question 17: How much percent more than the cost price should a shopkeeper mark his goods so that after allowing a discount of 25% on the marked price, he gains 20% ?

a) 70%

b) 50%

c) 60%

d) 55%

Question 18: An article is marked at 5,000. The shopkeeper allows successive discounts of x%, y%, z% on it. The net selling price is

a) ₹$\frac{(100-x)(100+y)(100+z)}{200}$

b) ₹$\frac{(100+x)(100+y)(100-z)}{200}$

c) ₹$\frac{(100-x)(100-y)(100-z)}{200}$

d) ₹$\frac{(100-x)(100+y)(100-z)}{200}$

Question 19: A shopkeeper offers a discount of 10% on his articles. The marked price of the article is 450. The selling price should be

a) 395

b) 410

c) 405

d) 400

Question 20: A shopkeeper buys an article for 360. He wants to make a gain of 25% on it after a discount of 10%. The marked price is

a) 486

b) 450

c) 500

d) 460

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Question 21: A is to pay B, 600 after 4 years time at 10% per annum interest rate compounding annually. A offers to pay up B at present. What discount percent should B allow A ?

a) 31.69

b) 40.24

c) 45.14

d) 50.15

Question 22: 20% discount is offered on an item. By applying a promo code the customer wins 10% cash back. What is the effective discount?

a) 30.8 percent

b) 30 percent

c) 12 percent

d) 28 percent

Question 23: 30% discount is offered on an item. By applying a promo code the customer wins 20% cash back. What is the effective discount?

a) 44 percent

b) 52.8 percent

c) 50 percent

d) 26 percent

Question 24: 20% discount is offered on an item. By applying a promo code the customer wins 15% cash back. What is the effective discount?

a) 30.8 percent

b) 30 percent

c) 12 percent

d) 32 percent

Question 25: 25% discount is offered on an item. By applying a promo code the customer wins 8% cash back. What is the effective discount?

a) 35.75 percent

b) 35 percent

c) 31 percent

d) 12.5 percent

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (A)

let’s say marked price 100
so for first discount of 30% selling price will be 70
and for two successive discounts of 20% and 10% selling price will be 72 and difference will be 2
now when difference between both selling prices is 2, marked price is 100
so when difference between both selling prices is 72, marked price will be $\frac{100}{2} \times 72$ = 3600

2) Answer (B)

We can assume that discount is on a price of 100
so after first discount of 10% its value will be = 90
now after second consecutive discount of 20% its value will be $90(1-\frac{20}{100})$=72
and after third consecutive discount of 30% its value will be $72(1-\frac{30}{100})$=50.4
hence it is a equivalent to a single discount of 100-50.4=49.6

3) Answer (A)

Having a gain of 12.5%, selling price will be $800 \times \frac{112.5}{100} = 900$
So after having a discount of 10% on marked selling price is 900
Hence marked price will be = $900 \times \frac{100}{90} = 1000$

4) Answer (A)

After having 20% discount price will be = $1500 \times \frac{80}{100}$ = 1200
So for net price of 1104 discount should be 1200-1104 = 96
%discount = $\frac{96}{1200} \times 100$ = 8%

5) Answer (A)

Let’s initial price is $x$, and sale is $y$ so revenue will be $xy$
After having discount of 20%, initial price will be $\frac{80x}{100}$ and sale will be $\frac{180y}{100}$ , hence new revenue is $1.44xy$.
Increment in revenue will be $0.44xy$ i.e. equal to 44%

6) Answer (D)

Marked price = 480
discount = 10%
Selling price = 480 – $\frac{480 \times 10}{100}$ = 432
Gain = 8%
Cost price = $ 432 \times (\frac{100}{108})$ = 400
After no discount ,gain will be = 480-400 = 80
Percentage gain = $\frac{80}{400} \times 100$ = 20%

7) Answer (D)

After a discount of 40% price will be = $\frac{500 \times 60}{100}$=300
After 2 successive discount of 36% and 4%= $\frac{500\times64}{100}=320 $ and $\frac{320\times96}{100}=307.2 $
Hence difference will be 7.2

8) Answer (A)

Let’s say marked price = 100
Then cost price = 64
and selling price = 88
discount = 24
%discount = $\frac{24}{64} \times 100$ = 37.5%

9) Answer (A)

cost of 5 kg. rice = 100 rs.
cost of 1 kg. rice = 20 rs.
Before discount cost price will be = $20 \times \frac{100}{80} = 25$

10) Answer (A)

12 socks are of price 180 rs.
Hence price of 1 sock is 15 rs.
4 socks will be having price of 60 rs. and after 20% discount their price will be 48 rs.

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11) Answer (B)

Marked price = 12000
Sold price = 10500
Discount = 1500
%Discount = $\frac{1500}{12000} \times 100$ = 12.5%

12) Answer (C)

Marked price = 480
Sold price after giving discount will be = $\frac{480\times90}{100}$ = 432
Gain = 8%
As when cost price is 100 and gain is 8% sold price is 108 so when sold price is 432 then cost price will be $\frac{432}{1.08} = 400$
Now without discount sold price will be 480 , hence gain is 80 rs.
%gain = $\frac{80\times100}{400}$

13) Answer (D)

Let assume the initial amount be Rs 100

Now after 10% discount , Rs 100 reduces to = 100 -( $\frac{10}{100}$ x 100 )= Rs 90

Now for 2nd discount of 20% the initial amount is Rs 90 .So amount after 2nd discount = 90 – ($\frac{20}{100}$ x 90 ) = Rs 72

Now for 3rd discount of 25% the initial amount is Rs 72 .So amount after 3rd discount = 72 – $\frac{25}{100}$ x 72 = Rs 54

total percentage change = $\frac{100 – 54}{100}$ x 100 = 46 %

hence the value of discount equivalent to the given three discounts of 10%,20%,25% is 46%

14) Answer (D)

let the marked price of the article be Rs y

Ist case :

Two succesive discounts 40% followed by 30%

So after these two successive discounts the value of article becomes = 0.6 × 0.7 × y = 0.42 y

2nd case

Two successive discounts are 45% followed by 20%

So after these two discounts the price if article becomes = 0.55 × 0.8 × y = 0.44y

It is given that :

0.44y – 0.42y = 12

0.02y = 12

y = Rs 600

15) Answer (D)

Marked price(M) of article = Rs 975

Selling Price (S) of article = Rs 897

Discount % = $\frac{M – S}{M}$x100 = $\frac{975-897}{975}$x100

= 8%

16) Answer (B)

it is given that marked price of a watch = Rs 720

Now first discount is = 10%

Price after 1st discount = 0.9 × 720 = Rs 648

Now let the 2nd discount be y%

So price after 2nd discount is mentioned as = Rs 550.80

648 – $\frac{y}{100}$ × 648 = 550.80

1- $\frac{y}{100}$ = 550.80/648

y = 0.15 × 100 =15 %

So 2nd discount = 15%


17) Answer (C)

Let the cost price of article be Rs 100.

Now to gain 20% profit, shopkeeper needs to sale the article at = (100+ 20) = 120 Rs

but we will achieve this selling price after 25% discount on Marked Price

So if Marked Price = M

then Selling Price = 0.75 M = 120

M = Rs 160

Hence Marked Price = Rs 160 and it is 60% more than cost price

18) Answer (C)

given that the marked price is Rs 5000

And the shopkeeper gives three successive discounts of x % y% z%

So the price after three given successive discounts = 5000 (1- x/100)(1-y/100)(1-z/100)

=$\frac {(100-x)(100-y) (100-z)}{200}$

19) Answer (C)

Here the marked price = Rs 450

discount = 10%

Hence Selling Price = Marked Price – Discount Amount

= 450 – $\frac{10}{100}$x450

=Rs 405

20) Answer (C)

Cost Price of article = Rs 360

Profit Required = 25%

So selling Price = 1.25 x cost Price = 1.25 x 360 = Rs 450

Discount Provided on Marked price (M) = 10%

So ,

0.9 x Marked Price = Selling Price

0.9 x M = 450

M = Rs 500

21) Answer (A)

As it is given that A will pay Rs 600 after 4 years at 10% per annum

then present value of Rs 600 = $\frac{600}{(1 + \frac{10}{100})^4}$

Present value = Rs 409.8

Discount amount = 600 – 409.8 = 190.19

Disocunt % = $\frac{190.19}{600}$ x 100 = 31.69%

22) Answer (D)

Let the marked price of item = Rs. $100x$

Amount after 20 % discount = $100x – \frac{20}{100} \times 100x$

= $100x – 20x = Rs. 80x$

Selling price after 10 % cashback = $80x – \frac{10}{100} \times 80x$

= $80x – 8x = Rs. 72x$

=> Total discounted amount = $100x – 72x = Rs. 28x$

$\therefore$ Effective discount = $\frac{28 x}{100 x} \times 100 =28 \%$

=> Ans – (D)

23) Answer (A)

Let the marked price of item = Rs. $100x$

Amount after 30 % discount = $100x – \frac{30}{100} \times 100x$

= $100x – 30x = Rs. 70x$

Selling price after 20 % cashback = $70x – \frac{20}{100} \times 70x$

= $70x – 14x = Rs. 56x$

=> Total discounted amount = $100x – 56x = Rs. 44x$

$\therefore$ Effective discount = $\frac{44 x}{100 x} \times 100 = 44 \%$

24) Answer (D)

Let the marked price of item = Rs. $100x$

Amount after 20 % discount = $100x – \frac{20}{100} \times 100x$

= $100x – 20x = Rs. 80x$

Selling price after 15 % cashback = $80x – \frac{15}{100} \times 80x$

= $80x – 12x = Rs. 68x$

=> Total discounted amount = $100x – 68x = Rs. 32x$

$\therefore$ Effective discount = $\frac{32 x}{100 x} \times 100 = 32 \%$

25) Answer (C)

Let the marked price of item = Rs. $100x$

Amount after 25 % discount = $100x – \frac{25}{100} \times 100x$

= $100x – 25x = Rs. 75x$

Selling price after 8 % cashback = $75x – \frac{8}{100} \times 75x$

= $75x – 6x = Rs. 69x$

=> Total discounted amount = $100x – 69x = Rs. 31x$

$\therefore$ Effective discount = $\frac{31 x}{100 x} \times 100 = 31 \%$

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