List of nuclear power plants in India PDF

List of nuclear power plants in india pdf
List of nuclear power plants in india pdf

List of nuclear power plants in India PDF download consists of the list of all the Nuclear power plants in India and their capacity as on 2017. This nuclear power plants list will give you the dates of commercial operation of all the nuclear power plants in India. This nuclear power plants in India pdf is very important as many questions are being asked in SBI Clerk previous papers about the location, capacity and commercial operation date. Taking a full length free mock test for SBI Clerk exam will help you to understand the questions asked from this list of nuclear power stations in India pdf.

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There are many important details to learn about nuclear power plants which are given in the table below.

List of nuclear power plants in India:

# Plant Location Capacity


Date of Commercial Operation
1. Tarapur Atomic Power Station Tarapur, Maharashtra 1,400 28 Oct 1969
2. Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant Kudankulam,

Tamil Nadu

2,000 22 Oct 2013
3. Rajasthan Atomic Power Station Rawatbhata, Rajasthan 1,180 16 Dec 1973
4. Kaiga Atomic Power Station Kaiga, Karnataka 880 16 Nov 2000
5. Madras Atomic Power Station Kalpakkam, Chennai 440 24 Jan 1984
6. Kakrapar Atomic Power Station Kakrapar, Gujarat 440 6 May 1993
7. Narora Atomic Power Station Narora, Uttar Pradesh 440 1 Jan 1991

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Thus you have gone through this list of Nuclear power plants in India, you can download the same list of nuclear power plants in India PDF.

Key Notes about Nuclear power plants in India:

  • Nuclear power is the fourth-largest source of electricity in India after thermal, hydroelectric and renewable sources of electricity.
  • Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) is a Public Sector Enterprise under the administrative control of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Government of India.
  • The Headquarters of NPCIL is located in Mumbai, Maharashtra.
  • NPCIL is presently (As of Sept 2017) operating 22 commercial nuclear power reactors with an installed capacity of 6780 MW and another 8 reactors under various stages of construction totaling 6200 MW capacity.
  • K. Sharma is the present CMD of NPCIL.
  • Kudankulam is the highest capacity generating nuclear power plant in India.
  • Tarapur Atomic Power Station is the first Nuclear Power station in India.
  • France derives about 75% of its electricity from nuclear energy.

Thus you have gone through this list of Nuclear power plants in India in PDF format. You can also download List of all schemes of Indian Government pdf and List of Cabinet ministers of India pdf.

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