Jumbled Paragraph Questions for XAT PDF

Jumbled Paragraph Questions for XAT PDF
Jumbled Paragraph Questions for XAT PDF

Jumbled Paragraph Questions for XAT PDF

Download important Jumbled Paragraph Questions for XAT  PDF based on previously asked questions in the XAT exam. Practice Jumbled Paragraph Questions  PDF for the XAT exam.

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Question 1: 1.For many scientists, oceans are the cradle of life.
A. But all over the world, chemical products and nuclear waste continue to be dumped into them.
B. Coral reefs, which are known to be the most beautiful places of the submarine world, are fast disappearing.
C. The result is that many species of fish die because of this pollution.
D. Of course man is the root cause behind these problems.
6. Man has long since ruined the places he visits — continents and oceans alike.





Question 2: 1. Historically, stained glass was almost entirely reserved for ecclesiastical spaces.
A. By all counts, he has accomplished that mission with unmistakable style.
B. “It is my mission to bring it kicking and screaming out of that milieu,” says Clarke.
C. The first was the jewel-like windows he designed for a Cistercian Church in Switzerland.
D. Two recent projects show his genius in the separate worlds of the sacred and the mundane.
6. The second was a spectacular, huge skylight in a shopping complex in Brazil.






Direction for questions 45 to 50: Arrange the four sentences in their proper order so that they make a logically coherent paragraph.

Question 3: A. However, the severed head could not grow back if fire could be applied instantly to the amputated part.
B. To get rid of this monstrosity was truly a Herculean task, for as soon as one head was cut off, two new ones replaced it.
C. Hercules accomplished this labour with the aid of an assistant who cauterized the necks as fast as Hercules cut off the heads!
D. One of the twelve labours of Hercules was the killing of hydra, a water monster with nine heads.





Question 4: A. Something magical is happening to our planet.
B. Some are calling it a paradigm shift.
C. Its getting smaller.
D. Others call it business transformation.





Question 5: Arrange sentences A, B, C and D between sentences 1 and 6, so as to form a logical sequence of six sentences.1. Until the MBA arrived on the scene the IIT graduate was king.A. A degree from one of the five IITs was a passport to a well-paying job, great prospects abroad and, for some, a decent dowry to boot.B. From the day he or she cracked the Joint Entrance Examination, the IIT student commanded the awe of neighbours and close relatives.C. IIT students had, meanwhile, also developed their own special culture, complete with lingo and attitude, which they passed down.D. True, the success stories of IIT graduates are legion and they now constitute the cream of the Indian diaspora.6. But not many alumni would agree that the IIT undergraduate mindset merits a serious psychological study, let alone an interactive one.





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Question 6: Arrange the sentences A, B, C and D in a proper sequence so as to make a coherent paragraph.A. Chemists mostly don’t stock it: only a few government hospitals do but in limited quantities.B. Delhi’s building boom is creating a bizarre problem: snakes are increasingly biting people as they emerge from their disturbed underground homes.C. There isn’t enough anti-snake serum, largely because there is no centralised agency that distributes the product.D. If things don’t improve, more people could face paralysis, and even death.





Question 7: Arrange the sentences A, B, C and D in a proper sequence so as to make a coherent paragraph.A. But the last decade has witnessed greater voting and political participation by various privileged sections.B. If one goes by the earlier record of mid-term elections, it is likely that the turnout in 1998 will drop by anything between four and six percentage points over the already low polling of 58 per cent in 1996.C. If this trend offsets the mid-term poll fatigue, the fall may not be so steep.D. Notwithstanding a good deal of speculation on this issue, it is still not clear as to who benefits from a lower turnout.





Question 8: Arrange the sentences A, B, C and D in a proper sequence so as to make a coherent paragraph.
A. Almost a century ago, when the father of the modern automobile industry, Henry Ford, sold the first Model T car, he decided that only the best would do for his customers.
B. Today, it is committed to delivering the finest quality with over six million vehicles a year in over 200 countries across the world.
C. And for over 90 years, this philosophy has endured in the Ford Motor Company.
D. Thus, a vehicle is ready for the customer only if it passes the Ford ‘Zero Defect Programme’.





Question 9: Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraphA. However, the real challenge today is in unlearning, which is much harder.B. But the new world of business behaves differently from the world in which we grew up.C. Learning is important for both people and organisations.D. Each of us has a ‘mental model’ that we’ve used over the years to make sense.





Question 10: Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraphA. Such a national policy will surely divide and never unite the people.B. In fact, it suits the purpose of the politicians; they can drag the people into submission by appealing to them in the name of religion.C. In order to inculcate the unquestioning belief they condemn the other states, which do not follow their religion.D. The emergence of the theocratic states, where all types of crimes are committed in the name of religion, has revived the religion of the Middle Ages.





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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (A)

Option A starts the issue by highlighting the damage done to oceans. Option C highlights the consequences. Option B further extends the issue by highlighting the damage done to Coral Reefs. Option D concludes the sentence. hence the correct sequence is ACBD.

2) Answer (B)

A has to follow B as it refers to a “mission” that is discussed in B. C has to the last as it talks about the first project and 6 talks about a second project. D has to be before C as it introduces the projects. So, the sequence is BADC.

3) Answer (C)

The paragraph starts with D where the task of killing of hydra is stated. Option B is the logical extension of D as it talks about the task. Option A follows B as it talks about the weak point of the strength presented in B. option C correctly concludes the paragraph.

4) Answer (D)

The sentence A is the first line in the sequence as it introduces the subject of the paragraph ie our planet. This is also apparent from the fact that all the four options have A as the first sentence. C is the second sentence as it describes what is happening to the subject (it is getting smaller). B would be the third sentence, it describes what’s being said about the subject. D would be the last sentence as it follows B in the sequence. (Some say… and others say…. are always listed in this order.)

5) Answer (A)

The passage talks about IIT graduate being a king. Statement B should be the first sentence as it explains why IIT graduates were kings. Statement A further elaborates on the same point as B so it should follow B. We have two possible arrangements, BACD and BADC, The last statement starts with ‘but’ so the previous statement should have some positive talk about IIT. D is the statement which talks about IITians in positive light. So D should be the last sentence. Hence BACD is the right order.

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6) Answer (A)

Sentence B introduces the main subject of the paragraph, i.e., snake bites. Sentence C extends the problem by giving the illustration of shortage of anti snake serums. Sentence A highlights the reason for C. Sentence D concludes it properly. The correct sequence is BCAD.

7) Answer (A)

Sentence B introduces the main subject of the passage where it states the low turnaround in the elections. Sentence A offers the present context of the issue presented in A. Sentence C offers the result of the trend in A. Sentence D concludes it properly.

The correct sequence is BACD

8) Answer (C)

Option A starts the paragraph were the author talks about the initiation of the quality measures of ford motors. Option C follows option A. Option B refers to the modern day scenario of ford motor’s quality. Option D correctly concludes the paragraph.

9) Answer (A)

Sentences A and B start with conjunctions. So, they cannot be used to open a paragraph. The best opening sentence is C. This is immediately followed by A, which gives a contradictory opinion to the one in C. A is followed by D which further explores the idea in A. The last sentence is B. So, option a) is the correct answer.

10) Answer (B)

CA is a pair. The ‘policy’ in A refers to the condemnation of the states that do not follow a particular religion. The opening sentence of the paragraph is D and this is immediately followed by B. So, the order of sentences is DBCA. Option b) is the correct answer.

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