Important Questions On Number Series For TISSNET Exam

Important Questions On Number Series For TISSNET Exam
Important Questions On Number Series For TISSNET Exam

Number Series Questions For TISSNET Exam

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Question 1: Instructions: In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.
7, 12, 40, 222, 1742, 17390, 208608

a) 7

b) 12

c) 40

d) 1742

e) 208608

Question 2: Instructions: In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.
6, 91, 584, 2935, 11756, 35277, 70558

a) 91

b) 70558

c) 584

d) 2935

e) 35277

Question 3: Instructions: In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.
9050, 5675, 3478, 2147, 1418, 1077, 950

a) 3478

b) 1418

c) 5673

d) 2147

e) 1077

Question 4: Instructions: In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.
1, 4, 25, 256, 3125, 46656, 823543

a) 3125

b) 823543

c) 46656

d) 25

e) 256

Question 5: Instructions: In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.
8424, 4212, 2106, 1051, 526.5, 263.25, 131.625

a) 131.625

b) 1051

c) 4212

d) 8424

e) 263.25

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InstructionsInstructions: In each of these questions a number series is given. In each series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.

Question 6: 5531    5506    5425    5304    5135    4910    4621

a) 5531

b) 5425

c) 4621

d) 5135

e) 5506

Question 7: 6 7 9 13 26 37 68

a) 7

b) 26

c) 69

d) 37

e) 9

Question 8: 1    3    10    36    152    760    4632

a) 3

b) 36

c) 4632

d) 760

e) 152

Question 9: 4    3    9    34    96    219    435

a) 4

b) 9

c) 34

d) 435

e) 219

Question 10: 157.5 45 15 6 3 2 1

a) 1

b) 2

c) 6

d) 157.5

e) 45

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Find the wrong number in given series sequence.

Question 11: 6, 12, 21, 33, 49, 66

a) 21

b) 33

c) 49

d) 66

e) None of these

Question 12: 6, 11.5, 19, 28.5, 41

a) 6

b) 11.5

c) 41

d) 28.5

e) None of these

Question 13: 5, 26, 82, 214, 401, 702

a) 26

b) 82

c) 214

d) 401

e) None of these

Question 14: 5,20,73,274,1049

a) 20

b) 73

c) 274

d) 1049

e) None of these

Question 15: Which number comes in the place of the question mark (?)16, 25, 36, 49, 64, ?

a) 121

b) 100

c) 81

d) 144

e) 196

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Question 16: Which number comes in the place of the question mark (?)1, 27, 125, 343, ?

a) 512

b) 1000

c) 729

d) 216

e) 1024

Question 17: Which number comes in the place of the question mark (?)2, 6, 12, 20, 30, ?

a) 50

b) 44

c) 45

d) 42

e) 55

Question 18: 4,19,49,94,154, ?

a) 223

b) 225

c) 229

d) 239

e) None of these 4

Question 19: $\frac{1}{2},1,1\frac{1}{2},2,2\frac{1}{2},3, ?$

a) $3\frac{1}{2}$

b) $2\frac{1}{3}$

c) $4$

d) $3\frac{1}{4}$

e) None of the above

Question 20: 101,103,99,105,97,?,95

a) 93

b) 104

c) 108

d) 107

e) None of these

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (D)

(7-1) x 2 = 12
(12 – 2) x 4 = 40
(40 – 3) x 6 = 222
(222 – 4) x 8 = 1744 ≠ 1742
(1744 – 5) x 10 = 17390
(17390 – 6) x 12 = 208608

2) Answer (C)

6 x 7 + 72 = 91 , 91 x 6 + 62 = 582 ≠ 584 , 582 x 5 + 52 = 2935,…

3) Answer (E)

9070 – 153 = 5675 , 5675 – 133 = 3478 , 3478 – 113 = 2147 , 2147 – 93 = 1418 , 1418 – 73 = 1075 ≠ 1077 , 1075 – 53 = 950

4) Answer (D)

11 = 1 , 22 = 4 , 33 = 27 ≠ 25 , 44 = 256 , 55 = 3125 , 66 = 46656 , 77 = 823543

5) Answer (B)

$\frac{8424}{2}$ = 4212

$\frac{4212}{2}$ = 2106

$\frac{2106}{2}$ = 1053 ≠ 1051

$\frac{1051}{2}$ = 526.5

$\frac{525.5}{2}$ = 263.25

$\frac{263.25}{2}$ = 131.625

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6) Answer (A)

5531 – 52 = 5506
5506 – 92 = 5425
5425 – 112 = 5304
5134 – 132 = 5135
5135 – 152 = 4910
4910 – 172 = 4621

Ever number after 5531 has a difference of a square.
Hence 5531 is the wrong number.

7) Answer (B)

This should be the series.

6 + 1 = 7
7 + 2 = 9
9 + 4 = 13
13 + 8= 21
21 + 16 = 37
37 + 32 = 69
Hence, we can say that 26 is incorrect.

8) Answer (D)

(1 x 1) + 2 = 3
(3 x 2) + 4 = 10
(10 x 3) + 6 = 36
(36 x 4) + 8 = 152
(152 x 5) + 10 = 770 ≠760
(770 x 6) + 12 = 4632

9) Answer (D)

02 + 4 = 4
12 + 2 = 3
32 + 0 = 9
62 – 2 = 34
102 – 4 = 96
152 – 6 = 219
212 – 8 = 433 ≠ 435

10) Answer (A)

157.5 ÷ 3.5 = 45
45 ÷ 3 = 15
15 ÷ 2.5 = 6
6 ÷ 2 = 3
3 ÷ 1.5 = 2
2 ÷ 1 = 2 ≠ 1

11) Answer (C)

6+6 = 12
12+9 = 21
21+12 = 33
33+15 = 48
48+18 = 66.
Hence, 49 is wrong number and it should be 48.

12) Answer (C)

1.5*2 + 3 = 6

2.5*3 + 4 = 11.5

3.5*4 + 5 = 19

4.5*5 + 6 = 28.5

5.5*6 + 7 = 40

13) Answer (C)

1*2+3=5 ; 4*5+6 = 26 ; 8*9+10 = 82 ; 13*14+15 = 212 ; 19*20 + 21 =401 ; 26*27 +28 = 702
All the numbers except 214 are following a pattern of $n\times (n+1) + (n+2)$. Hence, 214 is wrong number.

14) Answer (C)

1^2 + 4= 5 ; 2^2 + 16 = 20 ; 3^2 + 64 = 73 ; 4^2 + 256 = 272 ; 5^2 + 1024 = 1049

15) Answer (C)

$4^2 = 16$ ; $5^2=25$ ; $6^2 = 36$ ; $7^2=49$ ; $8^2 = 64$ ; $9^2 = 81$

16) Answer (C)

$1^3 = 1$ ; $3^3 = 27$ ; $5^3 = 125$ ; $7^3=343$ ; $9^3 = 729$

17) Answer (D)

2+4=6 ; 6+6 = 12 ; 12+8 = 20 ; 20+10=30 ; 30+12 = 42

18) Answer (C)

In the given series, the nth tern is (previous term+(n-1)*15).
We are supposed to find 6th term.
Hence, 6th term in series = 154+75= 229

19) Answer (A)

The given series is aritmetic progression, each term is 0.5 greater than previous one.

Hence 3+0.5 = 3.5 =$\frac{7}{2}$=$3\frac{1}{2}$

20) Answer (D)

There are two Arithmetic progression series here, whose terms are written alternately.

101,99,97….with common difference -2

And 103,105 with common difference 2 and unknown term belongs to this series.

Thus, the unknown term is 107

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