How to crack IBPS PO 2018 in First Attempt ?

How to crack IBPS PO 2018 in first attempt ?
How to crack IBPS PO in first attempt ?

IBPS PO exam is around the corner. IBPS has decided to conduct the prelims exam from the 13th of October and mains exam on 18th of November. With less than 60 days to go for the exam, IBPS PO online preparation can be of great help in improving the scores. In this article, let us see how to crack IBPS PO 2018 in first attempt.

Aspirants who are just starting their preparation should go through previous year papers of IBPS PO. Going through the past papers will help to know the various types of questions that appear in the exam. Also, IBPS PO online mock tests will be of great help to aspirants who are preparing for the first time since it will help them to simulate the experience of taking the exam.

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How to crack IBPS PO 2018 in first attempt ?

  • Taking the exam for the first time will not put an aspirant at any considerable disadvantage.
  • Though repeaters will have a better understanding of the exam, first timers can overcome the set back by taking an ample number of mock tests.
  • An important point to have in mind is that the preparation plan of first-timers should be more comprehensive.
  • Aspirants should ensure that they do not leave out any major topic. Let us move on to how to crack IBPS PO 2018 in first attempt and how to plan your preparation to achieve the same.

Taking Mock Tests

  • Start your preparation by taking a free IBPS PO mock test.
  • The mock test will help to understand your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Based on how you fare in various topics, draft a comprehensive study plan for IBPS PO.
  • Ensure that you allocate enough time to master each of the three sections. Also, ensure that you stay abreast of the recent happenings every now and then.
  • Revising current affairs regularly will help a lot while preparing for the mains exam. Therefore, try to dedicate at least half an hour a day to revise current affairs.

IBPS PO Study Plan

IBPS PO Previous papers

Section Wise Improvement

  • IBPS has introduced sectional time limits in the prelims exam. Therefore, it has become imperative to concentrate equally on all the sections.
  • Try to maximize your scores in your strong suit. At the same time, ensure that you score well in the other sections too. Ensure that your preparation plan is balanced.
  • Focus on covering all the topics till mid-September. Take at least a mock week during this period.
  • Do not procrastinate taking mocks till you complete the entire syllabus. After mid-September, increase the frequency of taking mocks.
  • Take a mock a day and try to analyze it thoroughly.
  • After taking a mock, analyze it thoroughly. Work on your mistakes before taking the next mock. Ensure that you do not end up making the same mistake twice.

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Analyzing mocks:

  • Analyzing a mock is as important as taking it. After each mock, check whether you are picking up the right questions to answer.
  • If a question proves to be tough, do not hesitate to skip it. Relegate the tough questions to practice sessions.
  • Ensure that you develop the skill to spot the easy questions in a paper.
  • Maintain a repository of the mistakes you make. Revise them from time to time to ensure that you do not end up making the same mistakes on the D-day.
  • Also, ensure that you improve your score with each passing mock. If a particular section needs attention, do not hesitate to allocate additional time to master the same.

Exam Strategy:

  • Develop a strategy to take the exam and test it extensively in the mocks. Experiment with various strategies and pick the one that suits you the most.
  • After finalizing your strategy, deploy it in mocks and refine it continuously.
  • Once the admit card is out, try to take mocks in the same window allotted to you.

IBPS PO Expected Cut off 2018

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We hope that this article would have helped you to have an idea about how to crack IBPS PO 2018 in first attempt. For more useful articles, try reading how to crack IBPS PO in 60 days and IBPS PO in hand salary after 7th pay commission.


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