Fill In The Blanks Questions For LIC AAO PDF

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Fill In The Blanks Questions For LIC AAO PDF

Download Important Fill in the blanks questions for LIC AAO exam. Top 20 English Fill in the blanks questions with answers based on previous year asked questions.

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Question 1: In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate words. Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four.
My window looks ________ garden.

a) upon

b) out on

c) in

d) at

Question 2: Fill in the blanks:
The destiny has destined him _____ a higher post than he now holds.

a) for

b) to

c) on

d) upon

Question 3: Fill in the blank:
At the world’s finest educational institutes. only students with the __________ to succeed are selected.

a) luck

b) drive

c) resources

d) experience

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Question 4: Out of these four choices, select the word which you consider the most appropriate for the blank space.
All attempts to revive the finishing industry were_______ failure

a) Foredoomed to

b) heading at

c) predicated for

d) estimated to

Question 5: Fill in the blank:
As Shyam _________ retirement, he became more intelligent and active.

a) awarded

b) withdrew

c) derived

d) neared

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In the following question, 2 blanks are given followed by 5 words. Select the option that contains the words that can be best used to fill the blanks in that order.

Question 6: When Scrooge awoke, it was so dark, that looking out of bed, he could scarcely distinguish the ____________ window from the opaque walls of his chamber. He was endeavouring to _________ the darkness with his ferret eyes, when the chimes of a neighbouring church struck the four quarters.

a) I, III

b) II, III

c) III, IV

d) IV, V

e) I, V

Question 7: It was during these moments of deep silence that the canvas which _____________ the entrance to a spacious marquee in the French encampment was shoved aside, and a man issued from beneath the ____________ into the open air. He was enveloped in a cloak that might have been intended as a protection from the chilling damps of the woods, but which served equally well as a mantle to conceal his person.

a) I, IV

b) II, IV

c) III, V

d) III, IV

e) I, III

Question 8: The Chinese have many names to ____________ themselves and the land they _________. One of the most ancient is Tien Hia, meaning ‘Beneath the Sky,’ and denoting the World; another, almost as ancient, is Sz’ Hai, i.e., ‘[all within] the Four Seas,’ while a third is Chung Kwoh, or ‘Middle Kingdom.’

a) I, IV

b) III, IV

c) IV, V

d) I, II

e) II, V

Question 9: From about 1854 it seems a new class of men were gradually being introduced. By the operation of what was known as the Elcho Scheme, there was a large reduction of the clerical class who had __________ usually discharged the duties of letter-sorting, as well as the ___________ and receipt of mails.
I. till
II. since
III. hitherto
IV. despatch
V. billing

a) I, II

b) II, V

c) III, IV

d) I, IV

e) III, V

Question 10: Through the vaporous atmosphere, ____________ with the heat, swarming with insect life, and reeking with the dense, sickly sweetness of tropic plants and flowers, the fierce sun __________ a flood of stagnant, yellow light, which lay in a broad and brassy glare over the low landscape.
I. boiling
II. simmering
III. flooded
IV. threw
V. poured

a) I, IV

b) II, V

c) I, III

d) II, III

e) II, IV


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Question 11: In the following question, 2 blanks are given followed by 5 words. Select the option that contains the words that can be best used to fill the blanks in that order.
There are many women who, without any deep thought on the matter, have the inborn _____ of ______ children, who seem to understand them, and have a feeling for them.
I. efficiency
III. addle
IV. managing
V. controlling


b) I-IV

c) I-V

d) II-IV

e) II-V

Question 12: In the following question, 2 blanks are given followed by 5 words. Select the option that contains the words that can be best used to fill the blanks in that order.
The time came when the child was allowed to visit the National Gallery unattended
; but although he _____ lost his affectionate awe for the two dim interiors, he did not really begin to _____ Rembrandt until he had reached manhood
I. never
II. didn’t
III. trust
IV. respect
V. appreciate

a) I-III

b) I-IV

c) I-V


e) II-V

Question 13: In the following question, 2 blanks are given followed by 5 words. Select the option that contains the words that can be best used to fill the blanks in that order.
The circumstance that has now taken place in France, of the total abolition of the whole national order of priesthood, and of everything _____ to compulsive systems of religion, and compulsive articles of faith, has not only precipitated my intention, but _____ a work of this kind exceedingly necessary.
I. appertaining
II. applying
III. affected
IV. effected
V. rendered

a) I-III

b) I-IV

c) I-V


e) II-V

Question 14: In the following question, 2 blanks are given followed by 5 words. Select the option that contains the words that can be best used to fill the blanks in that order.
Paine’s mind was by no means ______, it was ______ instructive.
I. skeptical
II. cynical
III. dissenting
IV. eminently
V. prominently

a) III-V

b) II-V

c) I-IV

d) I-V


Question 15: In the following question, 2 blanks are given followed by 5 words. Select the option that contains the words that can be best used to fill the blanks in that order.
In the opening year, 1793, when revolutionary France had beheaded its king, the _____ turned next upon the King of kings, by whose grace every _____ claimed to reign.
I. anger
II. wrath
III. hate
IV. tyrant
V. emperor

a) II-V

b) I-V

c) I-IV

d) II-IV



Question 16: In the following question, 2 blanks are given followed by 5 words. Select the option that contains the words that can be best used to fill the blanks in that order.
The earliest writer who deserves to be called a psychologist is Hobbes; and if we consider the time when he wrote, we cannot fail to be _____ at what I may term his ______ of the most important results which have now been established by science
I. surprised
II. knowledge
III. awareness
IV. prevision
V. exclaimed

a) V-III

b) I-IV

c) I-III

d) V-II

e) I-II

Question 17: In the following question, 2 blanks are given followed by 5 words. Select the option that contains the words that can be best used to fill the blanks in that order.
Human reason, in one sphere of its _____, is called upon to consider questions, which it cannot decline, as they are presented by its own nature, but which it cannot answer, as they ____ every faculty of the mind.
I. cognition
II. knowledge
III. awareness
IV. transcend
V. exceed

a) II-V

b) I-IV


d) II-IV

e) I-V

Question 18: In the following question, 2 blanks are given followed by 5 words. Select the option that contains the words that can be best used to fill the blanks in that order.
What is truth? How can we know? these are _____ problems for the profound thinker, and have been written upon _____ and at great length.
I. entrancing
II. serious
III. seldom
IV. again and again
V. frequently


b) I-III

c) I-IV

d) II-V

e) I-V

Question 19: In the following question, 2 blanks are given followed by 5 words. Select the option that contains the words that can be best used to fill the blanks in that order.
Any solution must offer an explanation for life which can be a firm basis for life, it must admit of the _____ of human freedom, and must release the human being from ____ motives—unless it satisfy these conditions, then it cannot be accepted as final.
I. dirty
II. sordid
III. probability
IV. possibility
V. Grasping

a) III-I

b) II-I

c) IV-II

d) IV-I


Question 20: In the following question, 2 blanks are given followed by 5 words. Select the option that contains the words that can be best used to fill the blanks in that order.
Bastien-Lepage was a painter in the noblest acceptation of the term; it may even be asserted that he would have exercised considerable influence upon the art of his ______ if Destiny had not stupidly _____ down the sturdy flower of his genius in the very hour of its brightest blossoming.
I. accede
II. epoch
III. mown
IV. cut
V. adorn

a) V-IV

b) II-IV

c) I-IV


e) I-III

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (B)

The correct preposition to be used is ‘out on’.
upon, in and at do not make grammatical sense.
Therefore, the correct option is option B.

2) Answer (A)

The preposition which is correct and apppropriate is ‘for’.
‘To’, ‘on’ and ‘upon’ are grammatically incorrect to use.
Therefore, the correct option is option A.
3) Answer (B)

Here, the word which suits the context most is ‘drive’.
Drive means a strong motivation.
Therefore, the correct option is option B.
4) Answer (A)

Here, ‘foredoomed to’ suits the context well.
It means ‘predicted to’.
Therefore the correct option is option A.
5) Answer (D)

Here, ‘neared’ suits the context well.
Therefore, the correct option is option D.
6) Answer (D)

When scoorge awoke, he could not differentiate between the wall and the window due to the darkness. The author uses the term ‘opaque’ to describe the wall. Therefore, the author should have used the opposite term ‘transparent’ to describe the window to emphasize how dark it was when Scoorge awoke.

The second blank should be filled with a word that conveys that Scoorge tried to see through the darkness. Among the given words, only pierce can fill the second blank. Therefore, option D is the right answer.

7) Answer (A)

From the paragraph, we can infer that the paragraph is about how a person emerged shoving the canvas aside. The first blank has to be filled by concealed or revealed. A canvas cannot reveal the entrance. It can only conceal the entrance. Therefore, the first blank should be filled with ‘concealed’.

Only options A and E are available now. ‘Revealed’ cannot be used to fill the second blank. Therefore, the second blank should be filled with ‘drapery’. Drapery is used to refer to cloth or canvas and it fits well with the context of the paragraph. Therefore, option A is the right answer.

8) Answer (E)

The given paragraph is about how the chinese used various names to refer to themselves and their land. Clearly, the second blank has to be filled with ‘inhabit’. Only options C and E are available now.

Among ‘inhibit’ and ‘designate’, ‘designate’ is the correct word to fill the first blank. Therefore, option E is the right answer.

9) Answer (C)

On reading the sentences, we can infer that the given paragraph is about how a class of workers who were handling the operations were slowly phased out by a new class of workers. The first blank should be filled by a word which means ‘till now’. Among the given 5 words, only ‘hitherto’ means till now.

In the last line, the term ‘receipt’ has been used to denote that the people ‘received’ mails, not to denote that they issued bills. Therefore, ‘despatch’ should have been used to fill the second blank.

Therefore, option C is the right answer.

10) Answer (B)

After the second blank, the term ‘a flood of stagnant, yellow light’ has been used. Since the author uses metaphor in the given line, the second blank must be filled with a word that is related to ‘flood’.

’flooded a flood’ is an inappropriate expression. Out of ‘threw a flood’ and ‘poured a flood’, the term ‘poured’ is better suited. Therefore, the second blank should be filled by poured.

The first blank should be filled with a word that attributes the heat of the Sun. Between ‘boiling with heat’ and ‘simmering with heat’, ‘simmering’ is better suited. Therefore, option B is the right answer.

11) Answer (D)

From the context of the passage we can understand that knack will fill the first blank and managing will fill the second blank.
Thus, option D is the correct answer.

12) Answer (C)

From the context of the passage we can understand that option never will fill the first blank and appreciate will fill the 2nd blank.
Thus, option C is the correct answer.

13) Answer (C)

appertaining means related to and applying means to apply. From the context of the passage we can understand that the author here means, related to and hence, I will fill the 1st blank.
Between affected, effected and rendered, rendered is best suited to fill the blank as per the context of the passage.
Hence, option C is the correct answer.

14) Answer (D)

From the context, we can understand that the author here means that Paine’s mind was in no doubt. Hence, both I and II seem to fit the context.
Between IV and V, eminently means highly and prominently means well known of. From the context of the passage, we can understand that the author here meant highly.
Thus, among the given option I-IV best fits the context.
Hence, option D is the correct answer.

15) Answer (D)

Though wrath, anger and hate seem to fit the blank 1 perfectly but wrath will be more appropriate here because wrath represents enormous anger which is shown in the passage by beheading of the king.
Between tyrant and emperor, tyrant will be more appropriate because a tyrant is a more of a negative word and the author has framed the sentence to be negative.
Thus, option D is the correct answer.

16) Answer (B)

From the context, we can understand that 1st blank will be filled by either V or I but I fits the context more appropriately.
Since we are talking about the era prevision will fill the 2nd blank better.
Thus, option B is the correct answer.

17) Answer (B)

When we talk about a sphere of mind we talk about cognition and hence, 1st blank will be filled by I.
transcend means to to surpass, as in intensity or power. This perfectly fits the context of the passage and hence, IV fills the blank 2 more appropriately than V.
Hence, option B is the correct answer.

18) Answer (E)

Both ‘entrancing’ and ‘serious’ seem to fill the 1st blank but entrancing means charming and from the context we can understand that the author wants to convey that the problems are which attract profound thinks. Thus, entrancing is more appropriate.
III, IV and V seem to fill the blank 2 appropriately but, seldom can be eliminated as it means very rarely and from the context we can understand that author means the exact opposite.
Between again and again and frequently, frequently is more appropriate as we usually don’t use another and after again and again.
Hence, option E is the correct answer.

19) Answer (C)

Both ‘II’ and ‘III’ seem to fill the 1st blank appropriately but when we talk about human freedom we usually talk about the possibility and the probability. Thus, IV fills the blank 1 more appropriately.
I, II and V all seem to be the right option but ‘sordid’ accompanies all the other words. As the author is talking on a large scale of life ‘sordid’ will the fill the blank appropriately.
Hence, option C is the correct answer.

20) Answer (D)

Meaning of accede is agree. As can be understood by the context of the passage the first fill up should be something related to time.
Epoch means a particular period of time marked by distinctive features, events, etc.
Thus, 1st fill up can be best filled by II.
The author is talking about _____ down the sturdy flower.
Mown and cut both seem to fit the context but the tone of the author is a negative and mown will fit the fit the 2nd blank much more appropriately.
Hence, option D is the correct answer.

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