Coding Decoding Questions for CMAT – Download PDF

Coding Decoding Questions for CMAT 2022
Coding Decoding Questions for CMAT 2022

Coding-Decoding Questions for CMAT 2022 – Download PDF

Here you can download CMAT 2022 – important Coding-Decoding Questions PDF by Cracku. Very Important Coding-Decoding Questions for CMAT 2022 based on asked questions in previous exam papers. These questions will help your CMAT preparation. So kindly download the PDF for reference and do more practice.

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Read the following information to answer the questions : Symbolise the given number and symbol.
Number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Symbol: $\times$ * ? $\div$ $ ·+ ! D
(i) if any number begins by odd number then the odd number symbolised by @.
(ii) If any number ends by even number then the even number symbolised as © .

Question 1: Which of the following will be the symbol of 236475 ?

a) ?*•$\div$x@

b) © ?•$\div$+@

c) x?•$\div$+@

d) © ?•$\div$+$

e) None of these

Question 2: Which of the following will be the symbol of 846721 ?

a) © $\div$+•*x

b) !$\div$+•*@

c) !$\div$•+*x

d) © $\div$•+*x

e) None of these

Question 3: Which of the following will be the symbol of 178524 ?

a) @+!$* ©

b) @+x!$ ©

c) @!+$* ©

d) *+!$ $\div$ ©

e) None of these

Question 4: Which of the following will be the symbol of 25486 ?

a) *$ $\div$!D

b) *$ $\div$! ©

c) © $ $\div$!•

d) *$!$\div$•

e) None of these

Question 5: In a certain code, BRAIN is written as *%$\div$#$\times$ and TIER is written as $#+%. How is RENT written in that code ?

a) %+X$

b) +$\times$%$

c) %#$\times$ $

d) % $\times$ # $

e) None of these

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Question 6: In a certain code, COMPATIBLE is written as BQNPDDKAHS. How is STABILISED written in that code ?





e) None of these

Question 7: In a certain code language PROBLEM is written as MPERLOB. How will NUMBERS be written in that code ?





e) None of these

Question 8: In a certain code ‘RAIL’ is written as ‘KCTN and ‘SPEAK’ is written as ‘CGRUM’. How will ‘AVOID’ be written in that code ?





e) None of these

Question 9: In a certain code, ‘BUILT’ is written as ‘5#32@’ and ‘TRIBE’ is written as ‘@935 © ‘.How is ‘RULE’ written in that code ?

a) 9#2 ©

b) 92# ©

c) @#2 ©

d) @2# ©

e) None of these

Question 10: In a certain code ‘CLEAR’ is written as ‘SBFMD’ and ‘BONDS’ is written as ‘TEOPC’ How is ‘STALE’ written in that code ?





e) None of these

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (E)

The number 236475 neither starts with odd nor ends by an even number.

Thus, codes for all the numbers remain same.

=> 236475 = *?•$\div$+$

Ans – (E)

2) Answer (C)

The number 846721 neither starts by an odd number or ends by an even.

Thus, codes for none of the numbers will be changed.

=> 846721 = !$\div$•+*x

3) Answer (A)

The number 178524 starts by an odd number and ends by an even number.

=> 1 will be coded as @

4 will be coded as ©

=> 178524 = @+!$* ©

4) Answer (B)

The number 25486 ends by an even number.

=> 6 will be coded as ©

=> 25486 = *$ $\div$! ©

5) Answer (A)

The code for R is %, the code for E is +, the code for N is X and the code for T is $. So, the code for RENT is %+X$.

Option a) is the correct answer.

6) Answer (B)

The word COMPATIBLE is divided into two parts of equal lengths : COMPA & TIBLE


The diagonally opposite element is substituted by its immediate following alphabet in the English alphabetical series.

=> C is substituted by D at its diagonally opposite position. Similarly, O is substituted by P at its diagonally opposite position and similarly for M, P and A.


The diagonally opposite element is substituted by its immediate preceding alphabet in the English alphabetical series.

=> T is substituted by S at its diagonally opposite position. Similarly, I is substituted by H at its diagonally opposite position and similarly for B, L and E.

Following the above method, code for STABILISED is :




7) Answer (C)

In the coded form, the last letter of the original word is the first letter, the first letter of the original word is the second letter in the coded form. The last-but-one letter in the original word is the third letter in the coded form and so on.

So, the code for NUMBERS will be SNRUEMB

8) Answer (D)

The pattern here followed is that the last letter of the word is excluded.

The word RAIL is divided into two parts : RAI & L


The diagonally opposite element is substituted by its 2nd to the right alphabet in the English alphabetical series.

=> R is substituted by T at its diagonally opposite position. Similarly, A is substituted by C at its diagonally opposite position and I by K.

II : L – N

The last letter i.e. L is substituted by the alphabet second to its right i.e. N

Similar pattern can be observed for SPEAK

Thus, code for AVOID


D – F


9) Answer (A)

The letters B, I and T are repeated in both the words. The only letters that are not repeated are R, U , L and E. Hence the code letters that are not repeated in the both the words are selected to get the code for RULE.

10) Answer (D)

The letters are replaced by the next ones in the alphabetical series and then inverted from last to first. Hence, STALE is written as FMBUT.

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