Chemistry Study material pdf Notes Set-2

daily GK/GS update 20-03-2018
daily GK/GS update 20-03-2018

General Science is an Important section in any competitive exam and in Railways exams it plays a crucial role. It is not difficult to learn basic general Science if we plan wisely. Cracku brings to you daily General Science Twenty-20 updates covering one subject, starting from 20-03-2018. Learn and try to remember only so much that is provided in our capsule every day and we are sure, you will master General Science Section before the exam.

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Chemistry 20 Important One Liners

Metal which is also known as
“Quick Silver”
French Chemist who is considered as the “Father of Modern Chemistry” Antoine Lavoisier
A fine dispersion of minute droplets of one liquid into another in which it is not soluble or miscible Emulsion
The SI Unit of Radioactivity Becquerel
Swedish Chemist known for the invention of Dynamite Alfred Nobel
Chemical name of Laughing Gas Dinitrogen Monoxide
The main ore of Lead metal Galena

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Most abundant Metal in the earth’s crust Aluminum
Most abundant element in the earth’s crust Oxygen
Acid that decomposes at Ordinary Room Temperature Nitric Acid
The first Scientist to use symbols for elements in a very specific sense John Dalton
Sub atomic particles of an Atom Protons, Electrons and Neutrons
Effect on Melting Point of Ice with increase in pressure Decreases
The elastic tendency of a fluid surface which makes it acquire the least surface area possible Surface Tension
Effect on the surface tension of the liquid with increase in Temperature Decreases
Chemical Name of Vinegar Acetic Acid
Two or more compound that are composed of the same kind and number of atoms but differ from each other in structural arrangement Isomers
pH value of Human Blood 7.4
Most commonly used chemical in Voting Ink Silver Nitrate
Element with the lowest boiling point Helium

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