How To Prepare For CAT And XAT Simultaneously?

How To Prepare for CAT and XAT simultaneously

How To Prepare For CAT 2023 and XAT 2024 Simultaneously – Excellent Preparation Plan (CAT vs XAT)

CAT 2023 will be conducted on 26th November 2023 by IIM Lucknow. There are roughly  25 days left for the examination. Many of the aspirants are preparing for CAT and simultaneously applying for other MBA exams such as XAT, one of the top MBA entrance exams that are considered for admission in XLRI Jamshedpur. Compared to the CAT exam, the XAT is a bit more complex than the CAT exam. So the aspirants who have applied for the CAT and XAT exams must manage their preparation. You must be aware of the significant differences between the exams. In this article, we will provide an excellent study plan to prepare simultaneously for the CAT and XAT exams.

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Before that, let us have a look at the significant differences between the CAT and XAT exams in detail.

CAT vs XAT (Exam Patten)

Component IIMs CAT 2023 XLRI – XAT 2024
Exam Date November 26, 2023 January 7, 2024
Section-1 Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (24 questions) English Language & Logical Reasoning (26 questions)
Section-2 Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (20 questions) Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation
(28 questions)
Section-3 Quantitative Ability (22 questions) Decision Making (21 questions)
Section-4 General Awareness – 25 questions Essay Writing – 1 question


How to Prepare for CAT and XAT Simultaneously?

Students who have taken the CAT exam might find that XAT is similar to the CAT exam. Essay writing, the decision-making sections and general awareness are the significant differences from the CAT exam. So, you must follow a strategy integrating all these differences into your exam preparation. The following points will help you build a strategy to ace XAT along with the CAT preparation.

As the CAT exam is approaching, aspirants are advised to cover all the basics of the CAT 2023 syllabus. The immediate task after covering all the basics of CAT 2023. Focus on the most common topics for both the CAT and XAT examinations. Remember that do not focus on the topics which are non-common for both exams. As we have less time for the CAT exam, it is better to concentrate more on CAT than XAT. The XAT exam is almost similar to the CAT syllabus. The following are the common topics for each section in CAT and XAT.

CAT Common Topics in XAT

  • Reading Comprehensions
  • Para Jumble
  • Quantitative Ability: Most of the quant topics are common for CAT and XAT
  • Data Interpretation
  • Logical reasoning (seating arrangement, blood relations, etc.) most of the logical reasoning questions in XAT appear as a part of verbal reasoning.

The syllabus for the CAT and XAT exams isn’t defined. So it is better to look into the CAT and XAT previous year’s papers for both exams and analyse them thoroughly. One can know the level of questions appearing in the exams. Try to attempt them regularly and evaluate them to build and modify your preparation.

XAT 2024 Preparation

After taking the CAT 2023 exam, one can start the XAT preparation with the non-common topics in CAT. The main such as decision-making, general knowledge and essay writing are the remaining topics to prepare for XAT. Let us have a look at how to prepare each of the sections in detail.

Decision Making: This is the unique section in XAT. The best source material to practice for this section is the previous years’ XAT papers. The more you practice decision-making questions, the quicker you will get at solving them.

General Knowledge: The marks obtained in this section will not be used for selections in the first round of admissions. It will be considered in the PI rounds and during final admissions. This section tests the student on Current Affairs and Static general awareness. Make sure that you are well-versed with the current affairs of the previous six months on exam day. Focus more on Business & Economics. Also, do not forget to go through different Awards and their recipients, Famous personalities, Geography, Indian Government, Political events and Science. Keep yourself updated with the daily news. Regularly read magazines and books.

Essay Writing: Topics in this section are usually abstract. No straightforward topics. Along with your language, this section will evaluate your thought consistency, logical thinking ability and knowledge.

Take Mock Tests

Take as many mocks as you can. Analyze these mocks thoroughly. If the time spent analyzing the mocks is more than the time spent giving the mock, then you are on the right track. Learn from your mistakes and keep improving your strong and weak areas.

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