Coding Decoding Questions for RRB Group-D

coding decoding questions for rrb
coding decoding questions for rrb

Coding Decoding Questions for RRB ALP & Railway Group-D:

Coding Decoding Questions for RRB

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Instructions: (1 to 3)

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions which follow:
In a certain language
‘road tyre rope drill’ is coded as ‘bi zr tx uw’
’rope game cap tyre’ is coded as ‘uw jg zr hp’
‘cap tyre drill’ is coded as ‘hp uw bi’

Question 1:

What is the code for ‘drill’?

a) uw
b) bi
c) tx
d) hp

Question 2:

Which word of the following option is coded as ‘jg’?

a) tyre
b) cap
c) rope
d) game

Question 3:

What is the code for the word ‘road’?

a) zr
b) bi
c) tx
d) uw

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Solutions (1 to 3)

1) Answer (b)
We know that,
‘road tyre rope drill’ is coded as ‘bi zr tx uw’
’rope game cap tyre’ is coded as ‘uw jg zr hp’
‘cap tyre drill’ is coded as ‘hp uw bi’
From 1st and 2nd we can say that the code for rope/tyre must be either uw/zr. So the code for road/drill must be either bi/tx. From the third statement, we can say that code for drill is bi, code for the tyre is uw and code for cap is hp.
Thus we have,
Hence, option B is the correct choice.

2) Answer (d)
We know that, ‘road tyre rope drill’ is coded as ‘bi zr tx uw’ ’rope game cap tyre’ is coded as ‘uw jg zr hp’ ‘cap tyre drill’ is coded as ‘hp uw bi’  From 1st and 2nd we can say that the code for rope/tyre must be either uw/zr. So the code for road/drill must be either bi/tx. From the third statement, we can say that code for drill is bi, code for the tyre is uw and code for cap is hp.  Thus we have,

Hence, option D is the correct option.

3) Answer (c)
We know that, ‘road tyre rope drill’ is coded as ‘bi zr tx uw’ ’rope game cap tyre’ is coded as ‘uw jg zr hp’ ‘cap tyre drill’ is coded as ‘hp uw bi’  From 1st and 2nd we can say that the code for rope/tyre must be either uw/zr. So the code for road/drill must be either bi/tx. From the third statement, we can say that code for drill is bi, code for the tyre is uw and code for cap is hp.  Thus we have,Hence, option C is the correct choice.

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Instructions : 4 to 6

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions which follow:
In a certain language
‘look read play jump’ is coded as ‘ir re xv ws’
’play same look wake’ is coded as ‘ws re zt py’
‘same look run read’ is coded as ‘py ws ir hd’

Question 4:

What is the code for ‘run’?

a) uw
b) hd
c) tx
d) hp

Question 5:

Which word of the following option is coded as ‘xv’?

a) jump
b) play
c) look
d) read

Question 6:

What is the code for the word ‘wake’?

a) py
b) re
c) zt
d) ws

Solutions: 4 to 6

4) Answer (b)

We know that,
‘look read play jump’ is coded as ‘ir re xv ws’
’play same look wake’ is coded as ‘ws re zt py’
‘same look run read’ is coded as ‘py ws ir hd’
From 1st and 2nd we can say that the code for play/look must be either ws/re. So the code for same/wake must be either py/zt. From the third statement we can say that code for run is hd, code for look is ws and code for same is py.
Thus we have,

Hence, option B is the correct choice.

5) Answer (a)

We know that, ‘look read play jump’ is coded as ‘ir re xv ws’ ’play same look wake’ is coded as ‘ws re zt py’ ‘same look run read’ is coded as ‘py ws ir hd’ From 1st and 2nd we can say that the code for play/look must be either ws/re. So the code for same/wake must be either py/zt. From the third statement we can say that code for run is hd, code for look is ws and code for same is py. Thus we have,

Hence, option A is the correct option.

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6) Answer (c)

We know that, ‘look read play jump’ is coded as ‘ir re xv ws’ ’play same look wake’ is coded as ‘ws re zt py’ ‘same look run read’ is coded as ‘py ws ir hd’ From 1st and 2nd we can say that the code for play/look must be either ws/re. So the code for same/wake must be either py/zt. From the third statement we can say that code for run is hd, code for look is ws and code for same is py. Thus we have,Hence, option C is the correct choice.


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