Question 49

If $$x^2 + ax + b$$, when divided by $$x + 3$$, leaves a remainder of -1 and $$x^2 + bx + a$$, when divided by $$x - 3$$, leaves a remainder of 39, then $$a + b=?$$


From remainder theorem,

If polynomial is f(x) divided by the binomial (x-a) the remainder obtained f(a).


f(-3) = $$x^2 + ax + b$$



$$-3a+b=-10$$ -------I


f(3)=$$x^2 + bx + a$$



$$3b+a=30$$ -------II

Equating I and II by multiplying I with 3

we get b= 8 and a= 6

So, a+b = 8+6= 14.

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