XAT Assumption Questions PDF [Most Important]

_Assumption Questions PDF

XAT Assumption Questions PDF [Most Important]

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In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions is implicit in the statement.

Question 1: Statement: The state government has issued a notification to the effect that all the coaching classes must register themselves immediately giving details of fees, infrastructural facilities and bio-data of teachers.
I. All those coaching classes which do not have requisite infrastructure and teachers may close down
II. All the coaching classes may hereafter charge uniform fees for all the students

a) Give answer A if only assumption I is implicit

b) Give answer B if only assumption II is implicit

c) Give answer C if either assumption I or II is implicit

d) Give answer D if neither assumption I nor II is implicit

e) Give answer E if both assumptions I nor II is implicit

1) Answer (A)


Statement II is not an implicit assumption. It is not necessary that after this notice the coaching will charge uniformly. Fees is dependent on many factors such as material provided, infrastructure quality, teacher quality, number of dedicated hours etc. It is not necessary that all these factors are same due to the notice.
Statement I is an implicit assumption. If government issues this notice, it may be the case that coaching which have poor teachers and infrastructure may close down.

Thus, A is the correct answer.


In each of the following questions a statement is followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. An assumption is something that supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.

Question 2: Statement: Nobody can predict as to how long our country would take to control the unfortunate and disastrous terrorist activities.
I. It is impossible to put an end to terrorist activities.
II. Efforts to control the terrorist activities are on.

a) Give answer (A) if only assumption I is implicit

b) Give answer (B) if only assumption II is implicit

c) Give answer (C) if either assumption I nor II is implicit

d) Give answer (D) if neither assumption I nor II is implicit

e) Give answer (E) if both assumptions I and II are implicit

2) Answer (B)


Assumption 1 is false because the statement implies that the terrorist activities will end one day, though when exactly that would happen is not known.

Assumption 2 is implied as the statement makes it implicit that our country is trying to control the terrorist activities, even though it’s not been successful in completely controlling them yet.

Question 3: Statement: It is not true that the mightiest superpower always win wars and get accolades from other countries.
I. Winners are sometimes admired and appreciated.
II. Winners are occasionally criticized.

a) Give answer (A) if only assumption I is implicit

b) Give answer (B) if only assumption II is implicit

c) Give answer (C) if either assumption I nor II is implicit

d) Give answer (D) if neither assumption I nor II is implicit

e) Give answer (E) if both assumptions I and II are implicit

3) Answer (C)


Assumptions 1 and 2 are complementary to each other. Winners are either admired or criticized – one of them is always true while the other is false. Hence, the best way to relate the assumptions is by “either”


In each question below is given a statement followed by three assumption (A), (B) and (C) An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.

Question 4: Statement:The airlines have requested all their bona fide passengers to check the status of flight operations before leaving their homes as heavy fog is causing immense problems to normal flight operations
Which of the following assumption(s) is/are implicit in the above statement ?
(A)The majority of the air passengers may check the flight status after starting their journey to the airport
(B)The Government may take serious objection to the notice issued by the airline company
(C)Majority of the passengers may cancel their tickets and postpone their journey till the situation becomes normal

a) None is implicit

b) Only (A) is implicit

c) Only (B) is implicit

d) Only (C) is implicit

e) Only (A) and(C) are implicit

4) Answer (B)


Many of the passsenger may check the status after leaving the homes and would waste time if the flight stands cancelled due to heavy fog. This is implicit conclusion from the Hence, the airlines have requested them to check the flight status before leaving their home.
Hence, the correct option is B.

Question 5: Statement:The Government has decided to auction construction of highways to private entities in several blocks across the country on build operate transfer basis
Which of the following assumption(s) is/are implicit in the above statement ?
(A)An adequate number of private entities may not respond to the Government auction notification
(B)Many private entities in the country are capable of constructing highways within reasonable time
(C)The Government’s proposal of build-operate-transfer may financially benefit the private entities

a) Only (A) and (B) are implicit

b) Only (B) and (C) are implicit

c) Only (B) is implicit

d) Only (A) and (C) are implicit

e) None of these

5) Answer (C)


Auctioning of the projects to private entities means that goverment is sure that these entities will be able to complete them within reasonable timeframe.
This is implicit inference.
Option C is correct.

Question 6: Statement:Government has urged all the citizens to use electronic media for carrying out their daily activities whenever possible instead of using paper as the cutting down of a large number of trees causing severe damage to the ecosystem
Which of the following assumption(s) is/are implicit in the above statement ?
(A)Most people may be capable of using electronic media to carry out various routines
(B)Most people may have access to electronic media for carrying out their daily routine activities
(C)People at large may reject the Government’s appeal and continue using paper as before

a) Only (A) is implicit

b) Only (B) is implicit

c) Only (A) and (B) are implicit

d) Only (C) is implicit

e) None of these

6) Answer (C)


Goverment would suggest something only if majority of the people would be able to carry out suggestion.
We can conclude from the government’s suggestion that many of the people are capable of using electronic media as well as have acerss to the same.
Hence, the correct option is C.

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Question 7: Statement:The apex body controlling universities in the country has decided to revise the syllabus of all the technical courses to make them focused towards the present needs of the industry thereby making the technical graduates more employable than they are at present
Which of the following assumption(s) is/are implicit in the above statement ?
(A)Technical colleges affiliated to different universities may not welcome the apex body’s decision and may continue with the same syllabus as at present
(B)The industry may welcome the decision for the apex body and scale up their hiring from these colleges
(C)The Government may not allow the apex body to implement its decision in all the colleges as it may lead to chaos

a) None is implicit

b) Only (A) is implicit

c) Only (B) is implicit

d) Only (C) is implicit

e) Only (A) and (B) are implicit

7) Answer (C)


Revising the syllabus to increase its focus on making it more application oriented will make it conducive to the needs of industry.
This decision would naturally be welcomed by industry and it would subsquently lead to more hiring by them.
Option C is correct answer.

Question 8: Statement:Police authority cordoned off the entire locality for the entire day and stopped vehicular movement for the visit of a top functionary of the government in view the threat perception and advised all the residents in the area to limit their movement outside their dwellings
Which of the following assumption (s) is/are implicit in the above statement ?
(A)Police personnel may not be able to control the vehicular movement in the locality and may seek help from the armed forces
(B)People living in the locality may move out of their houses for the day to avoid inconvenient
(C)The Government functionary may request the police authority to lift the ban on movement of residents of the locality outside their dwellings

a) None is implicit

b) Only (A) is implicit

c) Only (B) is implicit

d) Only (C) is implicit

e) Only (B) and(C) are implicit

8) Answer (A)


Implicit statement is statement which can be indirectly inferred from the given statement.
Of all the statements given, none of them appear to be inferred. They are independent statements with no indirect relation to the question statement.
Hence, none of these or option A is the answer.

Question 9: Statements: The Finance company has launched a new tractor loan scheme. It has brought prosperity among the farmers. Which of the following assumptions is implicit in the above statements? (An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted)

a) The prosperity of farmers solely depends upon the tractor loan scheme

b) Tractor is an important input for farmers to enhance the farm activities

c) Earlier there was no tractor loan scheme for farmers

d) Farmers do not prefer to take loans for buying tractors

e) None of these

9) Answer (B)


Since the loan scheme for tractors has brought prosperity among farmers, it is assumed that tractor is an important input for farmers to enhance their farm activities.

Option b) captures this idea.

Question 10: Statements: The United States based FMCG Company has developed a new deodorant. The company selected a media person couple for its promotion and marketing. They marketed it through television, radio, print, hoarding and social media. Which of the assumptions is implicit in the above statements? (An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted)

a) People do not pay heed to the advertisements and buy such goods which are available easily

b) Marketing through electronic media has not proved to be very effective

c) People want to see famous people in the advertisement of an FMCG product

d) Some people may tend to buy the deodorant of the United States based FMCG company

e) None of these

10) Answer (D)


The company has advertised the product so that many people will get to know about it and buy the product. So, the statement in option c) is implicit in the premise.

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