Vocabulary Questions for MAH – CET | Download PDF

Vocabulary Questions
Vocabulary Questions

Vocabulary Questions for MAH – CET 2022 – Download PDF

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In each of the following questions a sentence is given with a word given in bold. Corresponding to each question three sentences are given with the use of the same word. From the options choose the sentence which gives a different meaning for the word used in the sentence above. The meaning used in the sentence should be different from the one used in the main sentence.

Question 1: The carpenter in the house counted the number of nuts and bolts required for making a door.
I)Cyclones were predicted in our area but this was also followed by the massive rains and bolts of lightning.
II)Maria quitting the job before her ring ceremony was a bolt from the blues for her family.
III)Metal nuts are there to steady the glass sheet after the bolts are pushed through.

a) Only I

b) Only II

c) Only III

d) Both I and II

e) Both II and III


In the given questions a word is given followed by three sentences. All these three sentences carry the given word. Identify the sentence(s) in which the word fits contextually and conveys the correct meaning.

Question 2: Minute
I)With a really minute change the entire project was beautified to qualify the event.
II)With every minute passing by, we lose a chance to grow.
III)Even the minute mistake can lead to major destruction when it comes to heavy engineering.

a) Only I

b) Only III

c) Both I and II

d) Both I and III

e) All I, II and III

Question 3: Project
I) “I must complete my project before my boss arrives” – said Rahul
II)The budget of 2021 projected next year’s GDP percentage as slightly higher than this year.
III)The projection of the cave was so deep that an oxygen cylinder was required to reach the bottom.

a) Only I

b) Only III

c) Both I and II

d) Both I and III

e) All I, II and III

Question 4: Refuse
I)He was unable to refuse the golden handshake he received before his retirement.
II)Irrespective of clean India initiative, people just carelessly dump their refuse on the street.
III)He refused to participate in the annual fest because he was not included in the organisation committee.

a) Only I

b) Only III

c) Both I and II

d) Both I and III

e) All I, II and III

Question 5: Row
I)Khushi won the rowing competition, as she was really determined to win with her deliberate practice.
II)All the students were ordered to sit in a straight row, so that the management can avoid unnecessary chaos which may even cause stampede.
III)The mountain bases were washed away and the river rows were eroded by the flash flood.

a) Only I

b) Only III

c) Both I and II

d) Both I and III

e) All I, II and III

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Question 6: Contract
I)Recently Vedanta and SBI signed a contract for the betterment of their customers and also their employees.
II)On overnight soaking the raisins in water, they imbibe water and contract to their largest size.
III)The human heart contracts to pump the blood in the body and also relaxes to fill the blood; and this is the main pumping process of the heart.

a) Only I

b) Only III

c) Both I and II

d) Both I and III

e) All I, II and III


In each of the questions given below four words are given in bold. These four words may or may not be in their correct position. The sentence is then followed by options with the correct combination of words that would replace each other in order to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct. Find the correct combination of the words that can replace each other. If the sentence is correct and does not require any replacement then mark option ‘E’ as your answer.

Question 7: Democracies must(1) modernise their protect(2) to laws(3) freedoms in the era(4) of technological transformation.

a) 1-2

b) 2-3

c) 3-4

d) 1-3

e) No rearrangement required

Question 8: A reveals(1) examination of the scheme in terms of achieving(2) its objectives of price stabilisation, closer(3) that Operation Green is in slow motion, and nowhere(4) near achieving its objectives.

a) 1-2

b) 2-3

c) 3-4

d) 1-3

e) No rearrangement required

Question 9: The balance(1) of policymaking is to art(2) the interest of producers and consumers(3) within reasonable financial resources(4).

a) 1-2

b) 2-3

c) 3-4

d) 1-3

e) No rearrangement required

Question 10: One should approach(1) all activities and situations(2) with the same sincerity(3), the same intensity, and the same awareness(4) that one has with a bow and arrow in hand.

a) 1-2

b) 2-3

c) 3-4

d) 1-3

e) No rearrangement required

Question 11: The uberisation model(1) could make tractor services perfectly(2) divisible, accessible and owning(3) even by smallholders without affordable(4) the machine.

a) 1-2

b) 2-3

c) 3-4

d) 1-3

e) No rearrangement required


In the given question four statements are given in the options. One idiom or phrase is used in all of the statements, pick up the statement in which the idiom or phrases has been used correctly. If the uses are correct/incorrect in all the statements then mark option E as your answer.

Question 12: 

a) The legendary couple has been through thicks and thins in the journey but they always chose to stand by each other’s side no matter what.

b) Lata was novice as a baker, which resulted in her cake layers to be thick and thin.

c) The road to Everest went through thick and thin mountain passes.

d) The under construction bridge had many thick and thin concrete slabs.

e) All are correct

Question 13: 

a) We must keep the sodium on ice to avoid reaction.

b) After the light snowfall, all the school kids were playing on ice.

c) We must put the planning on ice until we have the orders to execute it

d) As the peak of the summer was approaching; every household started to keep their cooler’s on ice.

e) All are correct

Question 14: 

a) While reporting the news under the weather section the reporter said that rains were expected on the first weekend of spring.

b) Sujal experienced heavy showers and gusty winds under the weather conditions.

c) Weather under the influence of social media or the peer pressure made her indecisive about her future.

d) Shruti took a leave of absence from her office as she was under the weather.

e) All are incorrect.

Question 15: 

a) They were sitting on the rocks present atop the hill.

b) Bella ordered her sizzlers on the rocks, so that she can enjoy the taste.

c) The minerals present on the rocks were tested 12 times before they were published in the final reports.

d) The start point of the mountain biking was on top of the rock in the mountain.

e) All are incorrect

Question 16: 

a) The employees in the stock exchange offices are always on their toes.

b) If you want to win the game you must always be on your toes.

c) As Shital was getting married her brother was always on his toes for the entire functions.

d) Always do things that force you to be on your toes so that you can put all your attention and energy on the thing you are doing.

e) All are correct


Which of the following idioms given below the sentence can replace the phrase given in bold in the sentence, both grammatically and meaningfully? If none of the idioms can replace the phrase given in bold in the sentence, then mark option E as your answer.

Question 17: After sensing the danger all the villagers ran away and hid in a safe place.
I)Took to one’s heels
II)A wee bit
III)Fool’s paradise

a) Only II

b) Only I

c) Only III

d) All I, II and III

e) Both I and III

Question 18: Just the day before the examination she was dreaming of success rather than actually studying.
I)Knowing the ropes
II)In a brown study
III)Sitting on the fence

a) Only II

b) Only I

c) Only III

d) All I, II and III

e) Both I and III

Question 19: Rather than asking the direct reason for the leave, my boss kept on avoiding the topic and wasting time.

I)To catch a tartar
II)Once in a blue moon
III)Beating around the bush

a) Only II

b) Only I

c) Only III

d) All I, II and III

e) Both I and III


In each of the following questions one phrase has been given and it is followed by four sentences. You have to find out which of these sentences has been used properly according to its meaning and mark your answer from the options given below. Mark option E as your answer if all the sentences are correct or incorrect.

Question 20: Ask after
I.When the teacher was clearing our doubts, she asked me the question after sunil.
II.All the regional banks generally contact their headquarters to ask after the delay in the servers.
III.As Radha was on leave, her manager asked after she went home.
IV.The NCB were asking for all the information to solve the drug case.

a) Only I

b) Both I and IV

c) Both II and III

d) Only II

e) All are correct

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (D)

Here bolts in the first sentence means the nuts and bolts, whereas bolts in the first sentence means thunderbolt and bolt in the second sentence is a phrase for a shocking incident, hence option d is the correct answer.

2) Answer (E)

According to the question,
All of the given sentences are contextually correct and convey the apt meaning of the word ‘minute’, as in sentence I and III ‘minute’ means minor, and in sentence II minute means time of 60sec.

3) Answer (C)

Here both I and II give the contextually correct meaning of the word project.

4) Answer (E)

All of the given sentences are contextually correct and convey the apt meaning of the word ‘refuse’, as in sentence I and III ‘refuse’ means reject, it is the verb form, and in sentence II refuse, is noun which means waste material.

5) Answer (C)

Here both I and II give the contextually correct meaning of the word row.

6) Answer (D)

Here both I and III give the contextually correct meaning of the word contract, as in sentence II, the correct word must be expand in place of contract.

7) Answer (B)

Here interchange 2 and 3 to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

8) Answer (D)

Here interchange 1 and 3 to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

9) Answer (A)

Here interchange 1 and 2 to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

10) Answer (E)

The given sentence is grammatically and contextually correct and does not require any rearrangement, hence option e is the correct answer.

11) Answer (C)

Here interchange 3 and 4 to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

12) Answer (A)

Idiom ‘Through thicks and thins’ means to support someone despite difficult or troubling circumstances or setbacks, hence option a imparts a proper meaning of the idiom and is the correct answer.

13) Answer (C)

Idiom ‘on ice’ means ‘In reserve or readiness’, hence option c imparts a proper meaning of the idiom and is the correct answer.

14) Answer (D)

Idiom ‘Under the weather’ means ‘feeling ill or being a little unwell’, hence option d imparts a proper meaning of the idiom and is the correct answer.

15) Answer (E)

The idiom ‘on the rocks’ means ‘in a state of difficulty, destruction or ruin’, hence none of the options imparts a proper meaning of the idiom and hence Option E is the correct answer.

16) Answer (E)

Idiom ‘to be on toes’ means ‘to remain alert and ready for anything that might happen’, hence option e imparts a proper meaning of the idiom and is the correct answer.

17) Answer (B)

Here the idiom which can replace the phrase aptly is ‘took to one’s heels’.

18) Answer (A)

Here the idiom which can replace the phrase aptly is ‘in a brown study’.

19) Answer (C)

Here the idiom which can replace the phrase aptly is ‘beating around the bush’.

20) Answer (D)

Here ‘ask after’ means to inquire about, hence only II was given the proper meaning, so option d is the correct answer.

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