Verbal Ability Questions for XAT PDF

Verbal Ability Questions for XAT PDF
Verbal Ability Questions for XAT PDF

Verbal Ability Questions for XAT PDF

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Question 1: Choose the option that would fill in the blanks meaningfully in the sentence(s) below:
______ the importance of ‘horizontal stratification’ ______ higher education is widely acknowledged, ______ attention has been applied to horizontal stratification ______ compulsory schooling.

a) Whereas; with: too less; to

b) While; within: far less; within

c) While; without: further less; within

d) While; on: far fewer; about

e) Whereas; about: for less; of

Question 2: Which option does not reflect the relationship implicit in ‘Emendation : Editor’?

a) Injunction : Judge

b) Examination : Doctor

c) Discipline : Coach

d) Illumination : Usher

e) Renunciation : Saint

Question 3: Carefully read the following statement:
The payoff from ________ in education is so ______ and _______ that it is almost ________ as a predictor of economic change over a five to ten year period.
Fill in the blanks meaningfully, in the above statement, from the following options.

a) Expenditure, small, insignificant, irrelevant

b) Productivity, small, erratic, useless

c) Expenditure, fast, significant, powerful

d) Investment, slow, erratic, useless

e) Investment, slow, predictable, irrelevant

Question 4: Read the following statement:
A manager seeks approval for conducting a training programme on ‘openness’. He puts forward the following arguments in favour of the program to his CEO.
Which of the following arguments is the least likely to have a logical fallacy?

a) We did a pilot training program with a group of employees. Post the program, one of the participants was open to new ideas.

b) This program should be good for our organization since it is designed by a leading consultant.

c) Internal studies conducted across groups and locations showed that ‘openness’ increases innovation.

d) We have only two options; we can either train our employees on ‘openness’ or suffer the consequences.

e) If you really care about the organization, you should approve this training program.

Question 5: Which of the following options is grammatically correct and meaningful?

a) I want to join an MBA college that is not only the best in the country but also provides the best campus jobs.

b) I want to join an MBA college that is not only the best in the country but also I can get good job.

c) I want to join an MBA college that is not only the best in the country but also best in job.

d) I want to join an MBA college that is not only good but also I can get good job.

e) I want to join an MBA college that I found not only best in the country but also I can get good job.

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Question 6: Carefully read the statements below:
1.Chatterjee loves books; therefore, he reads them all the time.
2.Chatterjee loves books. Therefore, he reads them all the time.
3.Chatterjee loves books and, therefore, reads them all the time.
Which of the above statement(s) is (are) correct in grammar and meaning?

a) 1 only

b) 2 only

c) 1 and 2 only

d) 2 and 3 only

e) 1,2 and 3

Question 7: Which of the following Options best captures the relationship similar to INSPECT : VIVISECT?

a) Enquire : Observe

b) Inquire : Explore

c) Investigate : Interrogate

d) Query : Survey

e) Question : Respond

Question 8: Choose the best pronunciation of the word, Sobriquet, from the following options:

a) soh-bruh-key

b) suub-rry-ka

c) sob-bee-ri-kwet

d) soub-rick-kaat

e) Sobb-rik-kwet

Question 9: Six words are given below
I. Cacophonic
II. Cacographic
III. Calamitous
IV. Catastrophic
V. Contraindicative
VI. Cataclysmic
Which of the above words have similar meanings?

a) IV & VI only

b) I, II & V only

c) II, V & VI only

d) III, IV & VI only

e) III, IV, V & VI only

Question 10: Read the four sentences given below:
i. He is the most ______ of the speakers to address us today.
ii. The belief in ______ justice is the essence of his talk.
iii. This hall would have been full but for the _____ rain.
iv. Many in the audience have achieved _____ in their respective fields.

Which of the following sequence of words would most appropriately fit the blanks ?

a) i. Eminent, ii. Imminent, iii. Immanent, iv. Eminence

b) i.Immanent, ii. Imminent, iii. Imminence, iv. Eminence

c) i. Eminent, ii. Immanent, iii. Imminent, iv. Eminence

d) i. Eminent, ii. Immanent, iii. Imminent, iv. Imminence

e) i. Immanent, ii. Imminence, iii. Eminent, iv. Eminence

XAT Decision making practice questions

Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (B)

2) Answer (D)

3) Answer (D)

4) Answer (C)

5) Answer (A)

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6) Answer (E)

7) Answer (B)

8) Answer (A)

The correct pronunciation of “sobriquet” is “soh-bruh-key”.
Hence, option A is the correct answer.

9) Answer (D)

10) Answer (C)

All the options have the same four words in different parts of speech. So, let us look at the meanings of these words.

‘Eminent’ means a famous and respected person within a particular sphere.
‘Eminence’ is the noun for ’eminent’.
‘Imminent’ means the state or fact of being about to happen.
‘Immanent, means inherent.

By looking at the given sentence, we can see that the first blank should have ’eminent’ because it is used as an adjective for a person. Also, the second blank should have ‘immanent’ as it is defining justice. Similarly, as per the context, the third and the fourth blank should have ‘imminent’ and ’eminence’ respectively.
Hence, option C is the correct answer.

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