Unit Digit Questions for SSC CGL

Unit Digit Questions for SSC CGL
Unit Digit Questions for SSC CGL

Unit Digit Questions for SSC CGL

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Question 1: The unit digit in the product $122^{173}$ is

a) 2

b) 4

c) 6

d) 8

Question 2: The unit digit in the sum of (124)372 + (124)373 is

a) 5

b) 4

c) 20

d) 0

Question 3: The digit in the unit place in the square root of 66049 is

a) 3

b) 7

c) 8

d) 2

Question 4: Find the unit digit in the product $(4387)^{245} \times (621)^{72}$.

a) 1

b) 2

c) 5

d) 7

Question 5: If in a two digit number, the digit at unit place is z and the digit at tens place is 8, then the number is

a) 80z + z

b) 80 + z

c) 8z + 8

d) 80z + 1

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Question 6: Find the unit place digit in 71 x 72 x 73 x 74 x 76 x 77 x 78 x 79.

a) 2

b) 0

c) 4

d) 6

Question 7: What is the unit digit of the sum of first 111 whole numbers?

a) 4

b) 6

c) 5

d) 0

Question 8: What is the unit digit of $(217)^{413} \times (819)^{547} \times (414)^{624} \times (342)^{812}$?

a) 2

b) 4

c) 6

d) 8

Question 9: If the unit digit of $(433 \times 456 \times 43N)$ is $(N + 2)$, then what is the value of $N$?

a) 1

b) 8

c) 3

d) 6

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (A)

As we know a number with unit digit 2 have repeating cycle of 2,4,8,6 after every fourth power
as power is 173 or (172+1) where till 172 , 43rd cycle will get complete and next unit digit will be 2.

2) Answer (D)

Both of numbers have unit digit as 4 and it has a repeating cycle of 2 with unit digits as 4 and 6
so in first number power is 372 which is exactly divisible by 2 hence unit digit of first number will be 6.
and in second number power is 373 which exceeds one with the reapeating cycle of 2 hence its unit digit will be 4.

now unit digit of the sum will be 6+4 = 10

3) Answer (B)

Square root of 66049 = 257

Thus, unit’s digit = 7

4) Answer (D)

we need to find unit digit of $(4387)^{245} \times (621)^{72}$

unit digit of ${4387^{245}}$ = unit digit of ${7^1}$ = 7

unit digit of ${621^{72}}$ = 1

and hence 7 x 1 = 7 is the unit digit for the given expression

5) Answer (B)

Digit at unit’s place = z

Digit at ten’s place = 8

=> 2-digit number = $(10 \times 8) + (1 \times z)$

= 80 + z

=> Ans – (B)

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6) Answer (D)

Expression : 71 x 72 x 73 x 74 x 76 x 77 x 78 x 79

Unit place is the product of unit digits.

= $(1\times2\times3\times4)\times(6\times7)\times(8\times9)$

= $24\times42\times72$


Thus, unit digit = 6

=> Ans – (D)

7) Answer (C)

Sum of first 11 whole numbers is 0+1+2…110
i.e n(n+1)/2 =110*111/2
Therefore units digit is 5

8) Answer (D)

Power series of 7 i.e units digit 7 power expansion has 7,9,3 and 1 and it is raised to power 413 i.e 413/4 remainder 1 and so last digit is 7
Power series of 9 i.e units digit 9 power expansion has 9 and 1 and it is raised to power 547 i.e 547/2 remainder 1 and so last digit is 9
Power series of 4 i.e units digit 4 power expansion has 4 and 6 and it is raised to power 624 i.e 624/2 remainder 0 and so last digit is 6
Power series of 2 i.e units digit 2 power expansion has 2,4,8 and 6 and it is raised to power 812 i.e 812/4 remainder 0 and so last digit is 6
All the last digits product=7*9*6*6

9) Answer (D)

If we multiply 433 and 456 then we will get 8 as unit digit .

But when 433 and 456 multiply together with 43N then the unit digit appears as 8N .

So,Unit digit of  $8N=N+2$ .

It is possible only when N=6 .

So, D is correct choice.

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