Tricks to remember Indian states and capitals – Easy way to Learn & Memorize


Tricks to remember indian states and capitals – Easy way:

Hello Everyone, today we are going to share you some tricks to remember States and Capitals of India. Before going to the main topic,

Our brain loves to memorize pictures instead of words. We can easily remember by linking to the things which are already stored in our brain. Here the same method is used. Feel free to choose your own picture in imagination where ever necessary. Please note that these are completely illogical but helps because we can remember the things which are illogical rather than which are obvious to us. This type of memorizing things is used by memory experts throughout the world.

In Various Competitive exams we see states and their capitals for one mark. Recently one question on this was asked in Syndicate PO and Canara PO exams. So in future Make sure not to Miss this mark in any exam. Stay tuned to for various other tricks in GK.

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How to remember capitals of Indian states easily:

Tricks to learn: Memorize states and capitals with pictures and memorization tricks


Money is very Important to everyone. (Money = Important)

Just imagine how miserable life would be without money.

  • MEGHALAYA – SHILLONGMega  =  Very large or Huge. This can be related to LONG.MEGHA = LONG.

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There is no “Z” in any other state. “IZ” is present both in the state and its capital.

  • TRIPURA – AGARTALAGhar = House ( Hindi ) ; Thala = Lock (Hindi)If you are planning to go on a Trip then you would definitely Lock the door of your House.It helps when you learn new words from other languages to memorize.Visualize yourself locking the door and going for a trip to your favorite place.
    Make sure to visualize the same “lock” and “destination/ place” whenever you want to recollect  this.


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  • MAHARASHTRA – MUMBAILargest state in India is MUMBAI.Maha = Large
  • JHARKAND – RANCHIImagine a Jar full of French fries but when you put your hand it RAN away from you.

It is obviously silly, but just visualize it once in your mind’s eye you will not forget it.

  • RAJASTHAN – JAIPURRaja = king (Hindi) ; Jai = Praising someone.Kings always like Praisings.
  • A Group of GANGsters can make you SICK.


  • HIMACHAL PRADESH – SHIMLA Him is related to the male person and She is related to the female person.Both got married legally by law.

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  • CHATTISGARH – RAIPURChattis = 30 (Hindi) ; Garh = house (Hindi)
  • A House worth only Rs 36 is bought by Rai because she is Poor.
  • GUJARAT – GANDHINAGARMahatma Gandhi was born in Gujarat. (GG).ODISHA – BHUBANESWARBhuvaneswar Kumar is bowling to a Dish instead to a batsman.(Imagine a Dish holding a bat :p)
  • As this is completely odd you can picture it easily.
  • NAGALAND – KOHIMANaga = Snake (Hindi) ; Kohima – Kohinoor diamondImagine a Snake having a diamond on its head.Tricks for some states have been provided here we will be updating this page for otherstates.Some people remember GK by repeatedly watching them on the news.some people mayfeel comfortable to learn in this method, that is up to you.If you want any tricks for Specific topic please make a comment below, our team will try to make  a post on that.


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