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Question 1: Take the given statements to be true and decide which of the conclusions logically follows from the given statements.
Some ponds are lakes
Some lakes are rivers
Some rivers are seas
1. Some seas are lakes
2. No sea is a lake
a) Both 1 and 2 follows
b) Either 1 or 2 follows
c) Only conclusion 1 follows
d) Only conclusion 2 follows
Question 2: Read the given statement and decide which of the suggested courses of action logically follow(s) on the basis of the information given in the statement.
During natural calamities, many departments blame each other for any wrong-doing due to overlapping functions of these departments.
Course of Action:
1. Only one department should be there to take charge during natural calamities.
2. All departments should be held responsible for wrong-doings and punished.
a) Neither 1 nor 2 follows.
b) Both 1 and 2 follow.
c) Only 2 follows.
d) Only 1 follows.
Question 3: Read the following question and decide which of the given statements is/are sufficient.
Are women emotionally stronger than men?
1. Women think men’s thinking cannot change any problem.
2. Women are equal to men in all issues.
a) Both 1 and 2 together are sufficient to answer the question.
b) Neither 1 nor 2 is sufficient to answer the question.
c) 2 alone is sufficient while 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
d) 1 alone is sufficient while 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
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Question 4: Read the following question and decide which of the given statements is/are sufficient.
If X is a natural number, is X+6 odd ?
1. X-15 is a whole number.
2. X-6 is an odd number.
a) 2 alone is sufficient while 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
b) Both 1 and 2 together are sufficient to answer the question.
c) Either 1 or 2 is sufficient to answer the question.
d) 1 alone is sufficient while 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
Question 5: Consider the given statement to be true and decide which of the given courses of action logically follow(s) from the statement.
Many private schools in Bangalore charge more fees than the government-prescribed limits.
Course of Action:
1. Strict action should be taken against such schools.
2. Such schools should be shut down.
a) Neither 1 nor 2 follows.
b) Only 1 follows.
c) Only 2 follows.
d) Both 1 and 2 follow.
Question 6: Consider the given statements to be true and decide which of the conclusions logically follow(s) from the given statements.
All fruits are trees. Some trees are birds.
1. Some birds are trees.
2. Some trees are fruits.
a) Only conclusion 1 follows.
b) Either conclusion 1 or 2 follows.
c) Both conclusions 1 and 2 follow.
d) Only conclusion 2 follows.
Question 7: Consider the given statements to be true and decide which of the suggested courses of action logically follow(s) on the basis of the information given in the statements.Statements:The pollution and air quality in Delhi is beyond the acceptable level. This is due to industrial and automobile exhaustion.Course of action:1. Automobiles should be divided into groups to be run only on odd and even days, respectively.
2. The government should stop the registration of new factories and vehicles.
a) Only 2 follows.
b) Both 1 and 2 follow.
c) Neither 1 nor 2 follows.
d) Only 1 follows.
Question 8: Consider the given statement to be true and decide which of the courses of action logically follow(s) from the statement.
Teachers in India still teach using traditional methods and are not aware of modern methods of teaching.
Course of Action:
1. Orientation should be done for teachers to change their method of teaching.
2. There should be a pay hike for teachers who teach in modern methods.
a) Only 2 follows.
b) Both 1 and 2 follow.
c) Only 1 follows.
d) Neither 1 nor 2 follows.
Question 9: Consider the given statements to be true and decide which of the courses of action logically follow(s) from the statements.Statements:Due to heavy rain in Bangalore, the normal lives of the citizens are paralyzed.Course of Action:1. Government should take measures to help people and avoid life and property destruction.
2. Government should provide free treatment in all the hospitals of Bangalore.
a) Both 1 and 2 follow.
b) Neither 1 nor 2 follows.
c) Only 2 follows.
d) Only 1 follows.
Question 10: Consider the given statement to be true and decide which of the following courses of action logically follow(s) from the statement.Statements:The manufacturing companies in Tamil Nadu are facing acute power shortage.Course of Action:1. Government should take steps to solve the power crisis.
2. Government should shut down manufacturing companies to save power.
a) Only 2 follows.
b) Neither 1 nor 2 follows.
c) Both 1 and 2 follow.
d) Only 1 follows.
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Answers & Solutions:
1) Answer (B)
The below Venn diagram can be drawn using given statements.
Conclusion 1: Some Seas are lakes is false as there is no direct relationship between seas and lakes.
Conclusion 2: No sea is a lake is false as there may be a possibility such that some seas are lakes as shown in figure below. So it cannot be concluded.
2) Answer (A)
Both Options 1 and 2 cannot be the course of action because only 1 department could not take charge during natural calamities and also all the departments cannot be held responsible for any wrong doings.
3) Answer (B)
In first statement nothing is said about emotions of women and men. So, it alone can’t be sufficient.
In second statement, it is said that women are equal to men in all issues but it didn’t specify anything about emotions. S, Statement 2 alone is not sufficient.
4) Answer (A)
1 alone is not sufficient as X can be any value and X – 15 can be either even or odd.
If X-a is an odd number, then X+a is also an odd number and the same rule applies for even numbers.
Hence, If X-6 is an odd number then X+6 is also an odd number.
Hence, Only Statement 2 is sufficient to answer.
5) Answer (B)
If the schools charge fees more than the government prescribed limits, then strict action should be taken against such schools but the schools should not be shut down.
6) Answer (C)
The below Venn diagram can be drawn using given statements
Conclusion 1: Some Birds are Trees is true as shown in the figure.
Conclusion 2: Some Trees are Fruits is true as all fruits are trees.
Hence, Both Conclusions 1 and 2 follow.
7) Answer (C)
Statement 1 says that the automobile companies should be divided into groups to run on even and odd days and it is not possible to do so because different kinds of processes are involved which may take more than a day to complete.
Government cannot stop the registration of new companies as it forces into an agitation by investors.
So neither of the statements follow.
8) Answer (C)
1 follows the statement as it says that Orientation should be done to change their way of teaching from traditional to Modern methods.
2 does not follow the statement since the teachers are not aware of the modern methods of teaching and salary hike cannot be the action.
9) Answer (D)
Given that due to rains,the schedule is disturbed and it is may be due to roads,property destruction,sewage facilities etc.These are to be taken care by the government for the normal functioning of the things.So statement 1 follows but not 2 because its not about the medical treatment or others.In the ground level taking care about the conditions of roads,properties etc
10) Answer (C)
Government should take steps to solve the power shortage problem but the 2nd statement doesn’t follow as Government can’t shutdown companies to save the power.
only 1 follow
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