Sports Cups and Trophies List PDF

Sports Cups & Trophies List PDF
Sports Cups & Trophies List PDF

List of Sports Cups and Trophies PDF gives the list of sports and their trophies. This Sports cups list is important as we can see that from IBPS PO previous papers many questions are being asked. Practice IBPS PO free online mock tests to practice more on these. You can download the List of Sports Cups and Trophies PDF or you can go through the blog below. This list will help you to prepare for other competitive exams like: RRB, IBPS, Banking, PCS, SSC, UPSC,FCI, UIIC, OICL, SBI Clerks and PO.

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# Sport Trophy
1. Badminton European Cup

Harilela Cup

Ibrahim Rahimatillah Challenger Cup

Konica Cup

Sophia Cup

Kitiakara Cup

Malaysian Open

Thomas Cup (Men)

Uber Cup (Women)

Agarwal Cup

Chadha Cup

Divan Cup

Narang Cup

Amrit Diwan Cup

Asia Cup

2. Cricket Ashes

Asia Cup

Barcia Trophy

Benson and Hedges

C.K. Naidu Trophy

Deodhar Trophy

Duleep Trophy

Gavaskar Border Trophy

G.D. Birla Trophy

Ghulam Ahmed Trophy : Cricket

Gillette Cup

ICC World Cup

Irani Trophy

Jawharlal Nehru Cup

Moinuddaula Gold Cup

Rani Jhansi Trophy

Ranji Trophy

Reliance Cup

Rohinton Baria Trophy

Rothmans Cup

Sheesh Mahal Trophy

Sahara Cup

Sharjah Cup

Singer Cup

Titan Cup

Vijay Hazare Trophy

Vijay Merchant Trophy

Wisden Trophy

Wills Trophy

3. Football Bandodkar Trophy

B.C. Raj Trophy (National Championship)

Chakoia Gold Trophy

Confederation cup

Colombo Cup

DCM Trophy

Durand Cup

Dr. B. C. Roy Trophy

European Champions Cup

FIFA world Cup

F. A. Cup

IFA Shield

Jules Rimet Trophy

Kalinga Cup

Merdeka Cup

Nixan Gold Cup

Raghbir Singh Memorial

Rovers Cup

Sanjay Gold Cup

Santosh Trophy

Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee

Scissor Cup

Subroto Cup

Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee Trophy

Todd Memorial Trophy

UEFA Champions League

Vittal Trophy

4. Golf Augusta Masters

British Open

Canada Cup

Eisenhower Cup

Ryder Cup

US Maters

Walker Cup

5. Hockey Agha khan Cup

All-India Women’s Guru Nanak Championship

Beighton Cup

Bombay Gold Cup

Dhyan Chand Trophy

Essande Champions Cup

Gurmeet Trophy

Gura Nanak Cup

Gyanuati Devi Trophy

lndira Gold Cup

Kuppuswamy Naidu Trophy

Lady Rattan Tata Trophy

Maharaja Ranjit Singh Gold Cup

Murugappa Gold Cup

Modi Gold Cup

Nehru Trophy

Obaid Ullah Gold Cup

Rangaswami Cup

Ranjit Singh Gold Cup

Rene Frank Trophy

Scindia Gold Cup

Sahni Trophy

Sindhia Gold cup

Stanley Cup

Sultan Azlan Shah Cup

Tommy Eman Gold Cup

Wellington Cup

World Cup

6. Horse Race Derby

Grand National

7. Table Tennis Barna Bellack Cup

Corbitton Cup (Women)

Grand Prix

Ramanujan Trophy

Swaythling Cup (Men)

Travancore Cup (women)

8. Tennis (Lawn Tennis) Australian Open

BNP Paribash

Davis Cup

Edgbaston Cup

French Open

Grand Prix

Heineken Cup

Rajendra Prasad Cup

US Open

U. Thant Cup


Wightman Cup

9. Rowing Wellington Trophy
10. Polo Westchester Cup

Ezra Cup

Prithi Singh Cup

Radha Mohan Cup

11. Weight Lifting World Cup

Burdwan Trophy

12. Yacht Racing American Cup

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