Space Orientation Questions for SSC CHSL PDF

Space Orientation Questions for SSC CHSL PDF
Space Orientation Questions for SSC CHSL PDF

Space Orientation Questions for SSC CHSL PDF

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Question 1: Astronauts in space communicate with each other by radio links because ………

a) sound waves can’t travel in space

b) sound waves have low frequency

c) sound waves travel slowly in space

d) sound waves travel quickly in space

Question 2: _________ is a natural electrical phenomenon characterized by the appearance of streamers of reddish or greenish light in the sky, especially near the northern or southern magnetic pole.

a) Acaulis

b) Alatus

c) Albopictus

d) Aurora

Question 3: Which of the following is the unit of Astronomical Distance?

a) metre/sec.

b) Sec.

c) Para/sec.

d) Parsec

Question 4: Which planet has the maximum number of satellites?

a) Jupiter

b) Earth

c) Neptune

d) Saturn

Question 5: Uranus is the …………..planet from the Sun.

a) First

b) Third

c) Fifth

d) Seventh


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Study the following graph carefully and answer the question given below.

Number of Building constructed, demolished and redeveloped across various cities in a year.

<img “=”” alt=”” class=”img-responsive” src=” “/>

Note: All the values represented in the graph are multiples of 25.

Question 6: What is the average number of building demolished across the cities?

a) 100

b) 125

c) 132

d) 115

e) None of these

InstructionsEach of the questions given below consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II are given below. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question.

Question 7: What was the grand total of Falcon Team of College ‘X’?
I. Mayank correctly remembers that Falcon Team scored a grand total of above 82 but below 91.
II. Animesh correctly remembers that Falcon Team scored a grand total of above 77 and below 84.

a) The data in Statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statements II alone are not sufficient to answer the question.

b) The data in Statements II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question.

c) The data in either Statement I alone or statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.

d) The data in both the statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.

e) The data in both the statements I and II are together necessary to answer the question.

Question 8: …………….. refers to the superposing of two or more coherent waves to produce regions of maxima and minima in space, according to the principle of superposition.

a) Interference

b) Rectification

c) Intensity

d) Diffraction

Question 9: Which waves are used for communication by artificial satellites?

a) Microwaves

b) Radio Waves

c) A.M

d) Frequency of 10⋀6 series

Question 10: Which planet has the maximum number of satellites?

a) Jupiter

b) Earth

c) Neptune

d) Saturn

Question 11: ______ are used for communication in artificial satellites.

a) Infrared waves

b) Radio waves

c) Ultraviolet (UV) rays

d) Amplitude Modulation (A.M.) waves

Question 12: Which waves are used for communication by artificial satellites?

a) Microwaves

b) Radio Waves

c) A.M

d) Frequency of 10⋀6 series

Question 13: Which planet has the maximum number of satellites?

a) Jupiter

b) Earth

c) Neptune

d) Saturn

Question 14: Which planet has the maximum number of satellites?

a) Jupiter

b) Earth

c) Neptune

d) Saturn



Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (A)

2) Answer (D)

3) Answer (D)

4) Answer (A)

5) Answer (D)

6) Answer (B)

Average number of buildings demolished
= $\frac{50+175+150+75+175}{5}$
= $\frac{625}{5}$
= 125

7) Answer (E)

From statement I Grand total of Falcon Team=83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89 or 90
From statement II Grand Total Falcon Team=78, 79, 80, 81, 82, or 83
From both the statements Grand total of Falcon Team=83

8) Answer (A)

9) Answer (A)

10) Answer (A)

11) Answer (B)

12) Answer (A)

13) Answer (A)

14) Answer (A)


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