SBI Clerk Reasoning Questions And Answers PDF

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sbi clerk reasoning questions and answers pdf

SBI Clerk Reasoning Questions And Answers PDF

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Question 1: In the following question, select the related letters from the given alternatives.





Question 2: Find the option that should replace the (?) so that the second pair bears the same relationship as the first pair:
84:48::73: ?

a) 56

b) 16

c) 40

d) 36

e) 46


Study the following information and answer the questions given below.
A # B means A is father of B
A & B means A is husband of B
A @ B means A is sister of B
A % B means A is daughter of B

Question 3: Which of the following should replace question mark (?) such that P is son-in-law of T?
P & Q (?) R & S @ T

a) %

b) @

c) &

d) #

e) Either A or B

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Question 4: Which of the following shows that E is sister-in-law of A?

a) A & B @ C % F @ D & E

b) A @ B & C % D @ E & F

c) A & B % C # D @ E % F

d) More than one of the options above

e) None of these


Choose which of the conclusion(s) follow(s) based on the statements given:

Question 5: $ E \geq D$; $ A = C$; $ A > B$; $ F = E$; $ B < D$;
I: $ E > A$
II: $ F \leq C$

a) Only conclusion I is true.

b) Only conclusion II is true.

c) Either conclusion I or conclusion II is true.

d) Both the conclusions are true.

e) Neither of the conclusions is true.

Question 6: $ R = S$; $Q \geq P$; $S < T$; $ T > Q$;
I: $ T \geq P$
II: $ R \leq Q$

a) Only conclusion I is true.

b) Only conclusion II is true.

c) Either conclusion I or conclusion II is true.

d) Both the conclusions are true.

e) Neither of the conclusions is true.


Directions: Triangle($\blacktriangle$) represents 1 and Circle($\circ$) represents 0. If triangle appears in unit’s place, then its value is 1. If it appears in ten’s place, then its value is doubled to 2 and so on.
For example:
$\blacktriangle$ = 1
$\blacktriangle \circ \blacktriangle \blacktriangle$ = 8+0+2+1 = 11
$\circ \blacktriangle \blacktriangle$ = 0+2+1 = 3

Question 7: What will be the code for 18 in this language?

a) $\blacktriangle\circ\circ\circ\blacktriangle$

b) $\blacktriangle\circ\circ\blacktriangle\circ$

c) $\blacktriangle\circ\blacktriangle\circ\blacktriangle$

d) $\blacktriangle\circ\blacktriangle\circ\circ$

e) None of these

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Question 8: What is the value of $\blacktriangle \blacktriangle\blacktriangle\circ$?

a) 13

b) 12

c) 11

d) 14

e) None of these


Ten colleagues named A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J are sitting on two linear rows of chairs, both facing each other. They all belong to Mumbai, Patna, New Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Jaipur, Kolkata, Chennai, Guwahati (not in that order). Each person is facing someone else. The cities New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata are called metros. It is also known that :
Only one person from the metros sits in the corner. Only one pair of people facing each other are from metros. H from Kolkata faces C from New Delhi. A and B sit in the corner in the same row. The person from Bangalore is the immediate neighbour of the person from New Delhi and the person from Chennai. A from Mumbai and the person from Kolkata sit next to each other. I faces the person from Hyderabad. D has both the neighbours from a metro.The people from Chandigarh and Jaipur sit on corners in the same side. J sits immediately to the right of the person facing the person second to the right of I. The person from Guwahati does not sit in the corner. The person from New Delhi sits second to the right of the person facing E.

Question 9: If I and G sit next to each other, who sits opposite to the person from Mumbai ?

a) G

b) H

c) F

d) A

e) E

Question 10: People from which group of cities are sitting in the corner ?

a) Jaipur, Chandigarh, Guwahati, Hyderabad

b) Jaipur, Chandigarh, Mumbai, Patna

c) Guwahati, Jaipur, Bangalore, Patna

d) Chandigarh, New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai

e) Cannot be determined

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Find the missing number (?) in the given series from the options provided.

Question 11: 2, 4, 7, 11, 16, ?

a) 22

b) 21

c) 20

d) 23

e) 24

Question 12: 9, 27, 45, 63, ?

a) 79

b) 80

c) 81

d) 82

e) 83


Digvijay, Gayatri, Falguni, Mahima, Tanya, Sachin, Lalit and Abhinav are lawyers who attend an interview. One interview is held on each day of the week from Monday to Saturday and two interviews are held on Sunday. The interviewer asks questions on any one of the subjects among company law, the Indian penal code, the Indian bankruptcy code, administrative law, constitutional law, jurisprudence, land laws and family law. Also, among the candidates’ two wear blazers, two wear ties, two carry files and two wear moccasins, each candidate has at least one of the above.
Additional information which has been given:
1. Digvijay who is interviewed on a Wednesday does not wear a blazer. Administrative law is asked on a Saturday.
2. The interviewer tries to schedule interviews such that the first letter of the day is the same as the candidates’ initials.
3. The ones who carry files are either asked questions on land laws or on company law and are interviewed before Thursday.
4. The ones who wear blazers are interviewed on consecutive days which is not over the weekend.
5. If Mahima is asked questions on land laws then Abhinav will be asked on family law and vice-versa. There must be at least one day in between Mahima and Gayatri’s interview.
6. Gayatri does not know about the Indian bankruptcy code so she fails the interview.
7. Sachin and Abhinav wear moccasins while Lalit’s interview is the last and he is asked about Jurisprudence.
8. The one interviewed on Wednesday wears the same attire as what one of the candidates wears on Sunday.

Question 13: Which of the following is a correct triplet?

a) Falguni-Constitutional law-Blazer

b) Digvijay-Wednesday-Tie

c) Lalit-Jurisprudence-Moccasins

d) More than one of the above

e) None of the above

Question 14: Which of the following subjects is asked on the weekend?

a) Constitutional law

b) Land Laws

c) Company Law

d) None of the above

e) More than one of the above


In the following question three statements are given, followed by two conclusions. You have to consider the statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follows from the given statements and select the appropriate option.

Question 15: Statement I: All crows are black
Statement II: Some pigeons are black
Statement III: Some pigeons are bats
Conclusion I: All crows can be pigeons
Conclusion II: All bats can be black

a) Conclusion I only

b) Conclusion II only

c) Both the conclusions follow

d) Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows

e) None of the conclusions follows

Question 16: Statement I: All batsmen are wicket keepers
Statement II: No wicket keeper is a bowler
Statement III: All bowlers are all rounders
Conclusion I: All batsmen being all rounders is not a possibility
Conclusion II: No wicket keeper is an all rounder

a) Conclusion I only

b) Conclusion II only

c) Both the conclusions follow

d) Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows

e) None of the conclusions follows


Read the instructions carefully and answer the questions that follow:

If an even number is followed by an odd perfect square, the resultant will be the absolute difference between the 2 numbers.

If an even number is followed by an even perfect square, then the resultant will be the sum of the 2 numbers.

If an even number is followed by a non-perfect square number, the resultant will be the product of the 2 numbers.

If an odd number is followed by an odd perfect square, the resultant will be the sum of the 2 numbers.

If an odd number is followed by an even perfect square, then the resultant will be the absolute difference between the 2 numbers.

If an odd number is followed by a non-perfect square number, the resultant will be the product of the 2 numbers.

All the operations are to be carried out from left to right.

8     16     42     25
9     17       4     36

Question 17: If the first term of the first row is replaced by the resultant of the second row, the new resultant of the first row will be

a) 3137

b) 4059

c) 6629

d) 1793

e) 2247

Question 18: Which of the following symbols should replace the sign (#) and (&), in that order, in the given expression in order to make the expression L < C and J = E is definitely true?
Y = J < C & S, H < Y # E ≥ S > L

a) <, =

b) >, >

c) <, <

d) >, =

e) =, <

Question 19: There are 123 people standing in a queue. P is standing at the 62nd place from the front and R is standing at 30th place from the back. Q is standing between P and R such that there is an equal number of people between P and Q and between Q and R. What is the position of Q from the back?

a) 46th

b) 50th

c) 24th

d) 79th

e) 37th

Question 20: There are 178 people standing in a queue. A is standing at the 108th place from the front and B is standing at 12th place from the back. C is standing between A and B such that there is an equal number of people between A and C and between C and B. What is the position of C from the front?

a) 117th

b) 67th

c) 43rd

d) 142nd

e) 138th

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (C)

The logic followed here is (n + 9). Hence, the code for GAFT will be,

G + 9 = P, A + 9 =J, F + 9 = O, T + 9 = C.

Similarly, the code for WORS is,

W + 9 = F, O + 9 = X, R + 9 = A, S + 9 = B.

Hence, option C is the correct answer.

2) Answer (C)

$84 = 8^2 – 4^2 = 64 – 16 = 48$
Using the same logic,
$73 = 7^2 – 3^2 = 49 – 9 = 40$.
Therefore, option C is the right answer.

3) Answer (A)

By putting % in the blank,
P & Q → P is husband of Q
Q % R → Q is daughter of R
R & S → R is husband of S
S @ T → s is sister of T.
Here, P is husband of Q who is niece of T.
Hence, P is son-in-law of T.

4) Answer (C)

By checking Option C,
A & B → A is husband of B
B % C → B is daughter of C
C # D → C is father of D
D @ E → D is sister of E
E % F → E is daughter of F
Here, E is sister of B who is A’s wife.
Hence, E is sister-in-law of A.

5) Answer (C)

The given statements can be combined and expressed as $ C = A > B < D \leq E = F$.
$F \leq C$ can be written as $ A \geq E$.
The 2 conclusions, state that $ A < E $ or $ A \geq C$.
One among these 2 conclusions must definitely follow.
Therefore, either conclusion I or conclusion II follows. Therefore, option C is the right answer.

6) Answer (E)

The given statements can be combined as $R = S < T > Q \geq P$.
$T$ is greater than $Q$. Therefore, $T$ is definitely greater than $P$. Conclusion I is false since it states that $T \geq P$.

No relationship can be established between $R$ and $Q$ since there is a change in the sign of the inequality. Therefore, conclusion II does not follow.

Neither of the conclusions follow. Therefore, option E is the right answer.

7) Answer (B)

18 can be written as 16+0+0+2+0 = $\blacktriangle\circ\circ\blacktriangle\circ$

8) Answer (D)

$\blacktriangle \blacktriangle\blacktriangle\circ$ = 8+4+2+0 = 14

9) Answer (C)

We know that H from Kolkata faces C from New Delhi. We also know that since only pair of people from the metros face each other, there is no other pair of people looking at each other who are both from metros.

We also know A and B sit on the corners of the same row and we see that A sits next to the person from Kolkata ie H.

Thus, the arrangement will look like this :

We have assumed that the person on the top row faces down and the person from the bottom row faces up.

The person from Bangalore is the immediate neighbour of the person from New Delhi and the person from Chennai. We know that C is from New Delhi, so it means that the person from Bangalore sits between the person from New Delhi ie H and the person from Chennai. Now the arrangement will look like this :

D has both the neighbours from a metro, which is possible only if D is the person from Bangalore. Since the people from Jaipur and Chandigarh sit on corners, we know that they will be the ones on the corners of the top row. The person from New Delhi sits second to the right of the person facing E which means that E will be facing the person who is second to the left of C ie the person from New Delhi. Now the arrangement will look like this :

J sits immediately to the right of the person facing the person second to the right of I. This condition means that I can be in two places : facing D or facing E. We know that I faces the person from Hyderabad and since D is from New Delhi, we can say that I faces E who is from Hyderabad. We also know that the person from Guwahati is not sitting at the corners, ie he/she is facing D. Therefore, we can say that B is from Patna (only city left). Now the arrangement will look like this :

Since we know the names of the two people left, we can further say that :

From the figure, we can see that if G sits next to I then F will sit opposite A who is from Mumbai.

10) Answer (B)

We know that H from Kolkata faces C from New Delhi. We also know that since only pair of people from the metros face each other, there is no other pair of people looking at each other who are both from metros.

We also know A and B sit on the corners of the same row and we see that A sits next to the person from Kolkata ie H.

Thus, the arrangement will look like this :

We have assumed that the person on the top row faces down and the person from the bottom row faces up.

The person from Bangalore is the immediate neighbour of the person from New Delhi and the person from Chennai. We know that C is from New Delhi, so it means that the person from Bangalore sits between the person from New Delhi ie H and the person from Chennai. Now the arrangement will look like this :

D has both the neighbours from a metro, which is possible only if D is the person from Bangalore. Since the people from Jaipur and Chandigarh sit on corners, we know that they will be the ones on the corners of the top row. The person from New Delhi sits second to the right of the person facing E which means that E will be facing the person who is second to the left of C ie the person from New Delhi. Now the arrangement will look like this :

J sits immediately to the right of the person facing the person second to the right of I. This condition means that I can be in two places : facing D or facing E. We know that I faces the person from Hyderabad and since D is from New Delhi, we can say that I faces E who is from Hyderabad. We also know that the person from Guwahati is not sitting at the corners, ie he/she is facing D. Therefore, we can say that B is from Patna (only city left). Now the arrangement will look like this :

Since we know the names of the two people left, we can further say that :

From the figure, we can see that the people from Option B are the ones sitting in the corner.

11) Answer (A)

$\Rightarrow$ $T_{2} – T _{1} = 4 – 2 = 2$
$\Rightarrow$ $T_{3} – T _{2} = 7 – 4 = 3$
$\Rightarrow$ $T_{4} – T _{3} = 11 – 7 = 4$
$\Rightarrow$ $T_{5} – T _{4} = 16 – 11 = 5$
Here we can see the pattern that difference between consecutive terms are in A.P. and it is increasing by 1. Therefore,
$\Rightarrow$ $T_{6} = 6 + T _{5} = 6+16 = 22$
Hence, option A is the correct answer.

12) Answer (C)

$\Rightarrow$ $T_{1} = 9 = 5^2 – 4^2$
$\Rightarrow$ $T_{2} = 27 = 6^2 – 3^2$
$\Rightarrow$ $T_{3} = 45 = 7^2 – 2^2$
$\Rightarrow$ $T_{4} = 63 = 8^2 – 1^2$
Hence, we can say that $\Rightarrow$ $T_{n} = (n+4)^2 – (5-n)^2$
$\Rightarrow$ $T_{5} = (5+4)^2 – (5-4)^2 = 81$
Hence, option C is the correct answer.

13) Answer (B)

From statement 1, 2, and 7 we can gather the following information:

Now, as per statement 2 Tanya will be interviewed either on Tuesday or Thursday and Sachin will be interviewed on either Saturday or Sunday.

If Tanya is interviewed on Thursday and Sachin is interviewed on Saturday then Gayatri must be interviewed on Sunday since statement 5 says at least a one day gap is required between Mahima and Gayatri’s interview. So, Abhinav will have to be interviewed on Tuesday. [Case 1]

Similarly, If Tanya is interviewed on Thursday and Sachin is interviewed on Sunday then Gayatri must be interviewed on Saturday since statement 5 says at least a one day gap is required between Mahima and Gayatri’s interview. However, Gayatri is asked questions on Indian Bankruptcy Code (IBC) (from statement 6) while the person interviewed on Saturday is asked admin law (statement 1) so this case is not possible.

If Tanya is interviewed on Tuesday and Sachin on Sunday then Gayatri will have to be interviewed on Thursday since she is asked about IBC and not admin law.

From statement 4 we know that the ones wearing blazers must be on consecutive days apart from the weekend. Also, Digivijay does not wear a blazer (statement 1) so the ones wearing a blazer can either be on Monday and Tuesday or Thursday and Friday. From statement 3 we know that the ones carrying files are interviewed before Thursday, so on any two of the days among Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Even if one of the days is Wednesday, at least one person must carry a file on Monday and Tuesday. So, the ones wearing a blazer must be on Thursday and Friday.

In Case 1, upon placing the information we get the following:

However, as per statement 8, this is not possible. So, this case can be eliminated.

Similarly we can eliminate other cases. The only possible way, all the conditions are followed is:

So, Option B is correct.

14) Answer (D)

From statement 1, 2, and 7 we can gather the following information:

Now, as per statement 2 Tanya will be interviewed either on Tuesday or Thursday and Sachin will be interviewed on either Saturday or Sunday.

If Tanya is interviewed on Thursday and Sachin is interviewed on Saturday then Gayatri must be interviewed on Sunday since statement 5 says at least a one day gap is required between Mahima and Gayatri’s interview. So, Abhinav will have to be interviewed on Tuesday. [Case 1]

Similarly, If Tanya is interviewed on Thursday and Sachin is interviewed on Sunday then Gayatri must be interviewed on Saturday since statement 5 says at least a one day gap is required between Mahima and Gayatri’s interview. However, Gayatri is asked questions on Indian Bankruptcy Code (IBC) (from statement 6) while the person interviewed on Saturday is asked admin law (statement 1) so this case is not possible.

If Tanya is interviewed on Tuesday and Sachin on Sunday then Gayatri will have to be interviewed on Thursday since she is asked about IBC and not admin law.

From statement 4 we know that the ones wearing blazers must be on consecutive days apart from the weekend. Also, Digivijay does not wear a blazer (statement 1) so the ones wearing a blazer can either be on Monday and Tuesday or Thursday and Friday. From statement 3 we know that the ones carrying files are interviewed before Thursday, so on any two of the days among Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Even if one of the days is Wednesday, at least one person must carry a file on Monday and Tuesday. So, the ones wearing a blazer must be on Thursday and Friday.

In Case 1, upon placing the information we get the following:

However, as per statement 8, this is not possible. So, this case can be eliminated.

Similarly we can eliminate other cases. The only possible way, all the conditions are followed is:

Option D is correct.

15) Answer (C)

From the diagram, we can see that All crows can be pigeons and All bats can be black.
Hence, option C is the correct answer.

16) Answer (E)

From the diagram, we can see that all batsmen being all rounder is a possibility and some wicket keepers can be all rounders.
Hence, option E is the correct answer.

17) Answer (B)

The first term of the first row is replaced by the resultant of the second row. So, the first row will become 113 16 42 25
113 16 – an odd number is being followed by an even-perfect square number. So, the resultant would be the absolute difference between 113 and 16 which is 97.
97 42 – an odd number is being followed by a non-perfect square number. So, the resultant would be the product of 97 and 42 which is 4074.
4074 25 – an even number is being followed by an odd-perfect square number. So, the resultant would be the absolute difference between 4074 and 25 which is 4059.
Thus, the new resultant of the first row is 4059.
Hence, option B is the correct answer.

18) Answer (D)

We know Y = J, J should be equal to E.
Also, S > L for L < C either S = C or S < C.
Hence, option D is the right choice.

19) Answer (A)

Position of P from the front = 62nd
Position of R from the front = (123 – 30 + 1) = 94th
Number of people between P and R = (94 – 62 – 1) = 31 (including Q)
So, there must be 15 people between P and Q and 15 people between P and R.
Therefore, position of Q from the back = (30 + 15 + 1) = 46th
Hence, option A is the correct answer.

20) Answer (E)

Position of A from the front = 108th
Position of B from the front = (178 – 11 + 1) = 168th
Number of people between A and B = (168 – 108 – 1) = 59 (including C)
So, there must be 29 people between A and C and 29 people between C and B.
Therefore, position of C from the front = (108 + 29 + 1) = 138th
Hence, option E is the correct answer.

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