RRB Group-D Percentage Questions PDF

RRB Gropu-D Percentage Questions PDF
RRB Gropu-D Percentage Questions PDF

RRB Group-D Percentage Questions PDF

Download Top 20 RRB Group-D Percenatge Questions and Answers PDF. RRB Group-D Maths questions based on asked questions in previous exam papers very important for the Railway Group-D exam.

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Question 1: A seller sold $ \frac {3}{4} $ th of his goods at 24% profit. He sold rest part of the goods at cost price. What is percentage of his profit ?

a) 15

b) 18

c) 24

d) 32

Question 2: There are 40% women workers in an office. 40% women and 60% men of that office voted for in my favour. What is the percentage of total votes in my favour ?

a) 24

b) 42

c) 50

d) 52

Question 3: Rajendra’s salary is $\frac{1}{5}$ times greater than that of Nikita’s salary. Then by what percentage Nikita’s salary is lesser than that of Rajendra’s salary?

a) 25

b) 13.33

c) 12.34

d) 16.66

Question 4: The cost price of 18 articles is equal to the selling price of 15 articles. The gain percent is–

a) 15%

b) 20%

c) 25%

d) 18%

Question 5: 30% of a class consists of girls. If 20% of the girls and 30% of the boys in that class are selected to form a team, what is the percentage of girls in the team?

a) 33.33%

b) 22.22%

c) 19.19%

d) 15.15%

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Question 6: The price of a watch is Rs 1000. It is first decreased by 10% and then increased by 10%. What is the difference between the new price of the watch and the old price of the watch?

a) 0

b) 5

c) 10

d) 20

Question 7: In an examination, the number of technical questions is 40% and the remaining are non-technical questions. A student answers 50% of the technical questions and 60% of the non-technical questions and leaves the remaining. If the number of questions left un-attempted by the student is 66, what is the total number of questions in the paper?

a) 150

b) 140

c) 130

d) 120

Question 8: A basket has only apples and oranges. 30% of the fruits are apples. 60% of apples and 70% of oranges are ripe. What percentage of the total fruits is not ripe?

a) 33

b) 67

c) 35

d) 65

Question 9: If the selling price of bananas falls by 20%, we get 5 more bananas for Rs. 10. What was the previous price of one banana ?

a) 30 paise

b) 50 paise

c) 40 paise

d) 60 paise

Question 10: Sakshi gave away 20% of her stamp collection to Jyothi and 15% to Aruna. It she still has 520 stamps, then how many did she have initially ?

a) 700

b) 600

c) 800

d) 1000

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Question 11: The cost price of 18 articles is equal to selling price of 15 articles. The gain percent is:

a) 25%

b) 20%

c) 33%

d) 40

Question 12: 80% of 4/7th of a number is 16. The number is

a) 7

b) 35

c) 70

d) 149/4

Question 13: Mr. Agarwal gave 30% of his money to his wife, half of the remaining to his daughter and the rest was to be distributed among his five sons equally. If each son received Rs. 14,000, what was the total amount he had ?

a) Rs. 1,75,000

b) Rs. 2,00,000

c) Rs. 1,00,000

d) None of these

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Question 14: In a mixture of syrup and water there is 60 per cent syrup. If 5 litres of syrup is added then there is 35 per cent water in the mixture. The initial quantity of mixture was

a) 40 litres

b) 35 litres

c) 30 litres

d) 32 litres

Question 15: 0.28 part of a window is painted black, 0.33 part is painted red. What is the percentage of the part of the window to be painted ?

a) 0.61

b) 0.39

c) 30.5%

d) 39%

Question 16: A person sold an article for 9,999 of which, the cost price 10,000. Calculate the percentage of loss incurred.

a) 1%

b) 0.1%

c) 0.01%

d) 0.001%

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Question 17: Cost of an article was Rs. 1,200. If it is sold for Rs. 1,000. Calculate the percentage of loss incurred.

a) $ 16\frac{2}{3} $ %

b) $ 12\frac{3}{4} $

c) $14$%

d) $15$%

Question 18: If Anil’s salary is one-third more than that of Sunil’s then by what percentage Sunil’s salary is lesser than Anil’s ?

a) $3\frac{1}{3}$

b) $12\frac{1}{2}$

c) $25$

d) $66\frac{2}{3}$

Question 19: A person used to get 15 litres of petrol for a certain amount but due to the hike in the price he is getting one litre less for the same amount What is the percentage rise in the petrol price ?

a) $\frac{2}{3}\%$

b) $7\frac{1}{7}\%$

c) $12\frac{1}{2}\%$

d) $25$%

Question 20: An article costs Rs. 80 to the vendor. If he marks the article for 50% more than the cost price and sells it 25% less than the marked price, what is his gain percentage ?

a) 30%

b) $ 37 \frac{1}{2}\%$

c) $12\frac{1}{2}\%$

d) 20%

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (B)

Let there be 100 items worth 100 rupees total. So, the seller sells 75 at 75 * 124/100 = 93 rupees.

and 25 at 25 rupees.

Total profit = 93 + 25 – 100 = 18 rupees

Profit % = 18/100 = 18%

2) Answer (D)

There are 40 women and 60 men in the group. 40 % of the women and 60% of the men = 40 * 40% + 60 * 60 % = 52

3) Answer (D)

Let’s say Nikita’s salary is x, hence Rajendra’s salary will be $\frac{6x}{5}$, hence Nikita’s salary is $\frac{x}{5}$ lesser than that of Rajendra’s salary.
So percentage = $\frac{\frac{x}{5}}{\frac{6x}{5}} \times 100 = 16.66 \% $

4) Answer (B)

Let the price be 180 Rs. 18 items were purchased at 180 rupees and 15 items were sold at 180 rupees.

So, cost price is 10 rupees and selling price is 12 rupees.

So, profit percent = 20%

5) Answer (B)

Let the number of students in the class be 100.
Number of girls = 30
Number of boys = 70
Number of girls selected to the team = 20% of 30 = 6
Number of boys selected to the team = 30% of 70 = 21
So, percentage of girls in the team = 6/27 * 100% = 22.22%

6) Answer (C)

Initial price of the watch = 1000
After 10% decrease, price of the watch = (90/100)*1000 = 900
After 10% increase, price of the watch = (110/100)*900 = 990
So, the new price of the watch = Rs 990
Difference between the new price and old price = 1000 – 990 = Rs 10

7) Answer (A)

Let the number of questions in the paper be N.
Number of technical questions = 40% of N = 2N/5
Number of non-technical questions = 60% of N = 3N/5
Number of questions left unanswered by the student = 50% of technical questions and 40% of non-technical questions = N/5 + 6N/25 = 11N/25
So, 11N/25 = 66
=> N = 66*25/11 = 150

8) Answer (A)

Suppose, there are 100 fruits in the basket.
=> 30 are apples and 70 are oranges
60% of apples are ripe => 30 * 0.6 = 18 apples are ripe => 12 apples are not ripe.
70% of oranges are ripe => 70 * 0.7 = 49 oranges are ripe => 21 oranges are not ripe.
=> Total number of fruits that are not ripe = 12 + 21 = 33
=> 33% of fruits are not ripe

9) Answer (B)

Let the price of bananas be x Rs/ banana.

If the price falls by 20%, cost of banana = .8x

Number of bananas for Rs. 10 = 10/.8x

But 10/.8x- 10/x = 5

So, x = .5

10) Answer (C)

65% of the stamps = 520

100% = ?

520/.65 = 800

11) Answer (B)

Let the CP of 18 articles = SP of 15 articles = 180 Rs.

CP of one article = 10 Rs

SP of one article = 12 Rs

Profit % = 20%

12) Answer (B)

Let the number be x. Hence, 4/5*4/7*x=16. Hence, x=5*7=35.

13) Answer (B)

Let x be the total amount with Mr.Agarwal

money given to his wife=30% of x

money given to his daughter=35% of x

money given to each son=(35/5)% of x=7% of x

given, 7% of x=14,000


14) Answer (B)

Let the initial quantity of the mixture be x litres.

Syrup = .6x

Water = .4x

If 5 litres of syrup is added, syrup = .6x + 5

water = .4x

But .4x/x+5 = 35%

So, x = 35 litres

15) Answer (D)

percent of window remaining to be painted=100%-(percent already painted)=(100-61)%=39%

16) Answer (C)


17) Answer (A)

Percentage of loss = (CP-SP)/CP = 200/1200 = 16.67%

18) Answer (C)

Let Sunil’s salary be 100 Rs.

Anil’s salary = 133.33 Rs

Sunil’s salary is less than Anil’s by 33.33/133.33 = 25%

19) Answer (B)

Let the amount that is fixed be 210 Rupees

He used to get 15 litres of petrol for Rs. 210 earlier and then only 14 litres.

Initial cost of petrol = 210/15 = 14 Rs

Final cost of petrol = 210/14 = 15 Rs.

% rise in petrol price = 100/14 = $ 7 \frac {1}{7}$

20) Answer (C)

Cost Price of the article = 80 Rs.

Marked Price = 80 x 1.5 = 120

Selling Price = 120 x .75 = 90

Profit = 10 Rs

Profit % = 10/80 = 12.5%


We hope this Percentage Questions for RRB Group-D Exam will be highly useful for your preparation.


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